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ISGlobal and the Consortium of Health and Social of Catalonia Initiate a Collaboration Agreement

The two organisations will collaborate in research, training and international consultancy through a four-year agreement


The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and the Consortium of Health and Social of Catalonia (CSC) have signed a collaboration agreement to strengthen cooperation in the areas of technical advice, training and research. The agreement has an initial duration of four years, with the possibility of renewal for a further four years. The alliance aims to consolidate synergies between the two institutions to address health challenges at both local and global levels.

The agreement provides for joint participation in research and innovation projects in several areas, including climate, air pollution, urban health, infectious diseases, and health crisis preparedness and response. It also includes collaboration on global development programmes, focusing on areas such as the Sustainable Development Goals, planetary health, urban sustainability and strengthening health systems, with particular relevance to local contexts.

Another key aspect of the agreement is collaboration on training activities. ISGlobal and the CSC commit to designing and implementing training and capacity building programmes at local, national and international levels, with a particular focus on improving urban health, air quality and preparedness for health emergencies.

The significant international involvement of both institutions will also serve to pool capacities for international technical advice, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

To coordinate and monitor the agreement, the two organisations have established a Monitoring Committee. This committee will be represented on behalf of ISGlobal by Antoni Plasència, Distinguished Fellow and former Director General, and on behalf of CSC by Maite Pavón, Executive Director of Consultancy and Management. The committee will be responsible for coordinating the activities resulting from the agreement and regularly reviewing ongoing projects to identify areas for improvement and new opportunities for collaboration.

"With this collaboration, ISGlobal and CSC reinforce their commitment to global health and sustainability, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the emerging needs of today's world, which are undoubtedly both local and global," says Antoni Plasència.

From the CSC's point of view, Maite Pavón says that this collaboration is "very necessary" at a time when both national and local governments need to promote a "health in all policies" strategy to address challenges such as an ageing population and the health impact of climate change. "For our members and in our international projects, the support of an institution like ISGlobal is an added value," she affirms.

Research, Urban Planning, Environment and Health

Air Pollution Exposure During Early Life Can Have Lasting Effects on the Brain’s White Matter

First study to investigate the association between early exposure to air pollution and white matter microstructure across adolescence in a large cohort

Air pollution and white matter

Exposure to certain pollutants, like fine particles (PM2.5) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), during pregnancy and childhood is associated with differences in the microstructure of the brain´s white matter, and some of these effects persist throughout adolescence. These are the main conclusions of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by “la Caixa” Foundation. The findings, published in Environmental Research , highlight the importance of addressing air pollution as a public health issue, particularly for pregnant women and children.

An increasing amount of evidence suggests that air pollution affects neurodevelopment in children. Recent studies using imaging techniques have looked at the impact of air pollutants on the brain’s white matter , which plays a crucial role in connecting different brain regions. However, these studies were limited in that they only looked at one timepoint and did not follow the participants throughout childhood.

“Following participants throughout childhood and including two neuroimaging assessments for each child would shed new light on whether the effects of air pollution on white matter persist, attenuate, or worsen,” says ISGlobal researcher Mònica Guxens. And that is what she and her team did.

The study involved over 4,000 participants who had been followed since birth as part of the Generation R Study in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The research team estimated the amount of exposure to 14 different air pollutants during pregnancy and childhood , based on where the families lived. For 1,314 children, the researchers were able to use data from two brain scans - one performed around 10 years of age and another around 14 years of age - to examine changes in white matter microstructure .

Some effects persist, some diminish over time

The analysis found that exposure to certain pollutants, like fine particles (PM2.5) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) , was linked to differences in the development of white matter in the brain. Specifically, higher exposure to PM2.5during pregnancy, and higher exposure to PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5-10, and NO x during childhood were associated with lower levels of a measure called fractional anisotropy , which measures how water molecules diffuse within the brain. In more mature brains, water flows more in one direction than in all directions, which gives higher values for this marker. This association persisted throughout adolescence (i.e. it was also observed in the second scan), suggesting a long-term impact of air pollution on brain development. Every increase in exposure level to air pollution corresponded to more than a 5-month delay in the development of fractional anisotropy.

“We think that the lower fractional anisotropy is likely the result of changes in myelin, the protective sheath that forms around the nerves, rather than in the structure or packaging of the nerve fibers” says Michelle Kusters, ISGlobal researcher and first author of the study. How air pollutants affect myelin is not fully understood, but could be linked to the entrance of small particles directly to the brain or to inflammatory mediators produced by the body when the particles enter the lungs. Together, this would lead to neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and eventually neuronal death, as documented in animal studies.

The study also found that some pollutants were linked to changes in another measure of white matter, called mean diffusivity, which reflects the integrity of white matter, and which tends to decrease as the brain matures. Higher exposure to pollutants like silicon in fine particles (PM2.5) during pregnancy was associated with initially higher mean diffusivity, which then decreased more rapidly as the children grew older. This indicates that some effects of air pollution may diminish over time.

Policy implications

Overall, the study suggests that air pollution exposure, both during pregnancy and early childhood, can have lasting effects on the brain’s white matter. “Even if the size of the effects were small, this can have a meaningful impact on a population scale,” says Guxens.

Importantly, these findings were present in children exposed to PM 2.5 and PM 10 concentrations above the currently recommended maximum values by the WHO but below those currently recommended by the European Union . “Our study provides support to the need for more stringent European guidelines on air pollution, which are expected to be approved soon by the European Parliament,” adds Guxens.

In a previous study, Guxens and her team showed that white matter microstructure can also be affected by early exposure to heat and cold , especially in children living in poorer neighbourhoods.




Kusters MW, Lopez-Vicente M, Muetzel RL et al. Residential ambient air pollution exposure and the development of white matter microstructure throughout adolescence . Environ Res. 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.119828.2024.

The Barcelona Exposome Symposium

Photo: Exposoma, Iolanda Filella Cubells. Institut d'Estudis Catalans
9.30 - 16.40 h
(Dr. Aiguader, 88) Barcelona

This event aims to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and resources within the exposome research community in the Barcelona area. Whether you're a seasoned exposomics researcher or a newcomer to the field, this symposium invites you to join us in building a supportive community dedicated to advancing exposome research. With a series of invited presentations, abstract-selected presentations and posters, it will provide a panorama of exposome research across different institutions in the Barcelona area.

The exposome represents the comprehensive set of environmental exposures that an individual encounters throughout their life. The exposomics field aims to evaluate how the exposome impacts on  biology and health through discovery-based analytical approaches. This local-level symposium is part of a larger initiative to build an International Human Exposome Network.

The symposium is expected to cover the following topics:

1. Technological Innovations and Methodologies in Exposomics

  • Advanced Analytical Techniques: Innovations in non-targeted chemical exposome characterization, including anthropogenic pollutants and diet related compounds.
  • Computational Methods and Data Science: Application of big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in exposome studies
  • Novel Biomarkers and Detection Methods: Development of new biomarkers and tools for measuring environmental exposures, e.g. microplastics, accurately and comprehensively
  • Sensors and Geospatial Modeling Applications: to collect and analyze spatial data on environmental exposures. This includes wearable sensors, remote sensing, and GIS for mapping and analyzing the spatial distribution of exposures and their health impacts.

2. Exposome and Human Health

  • Social and physical environment in Low and Middle Income Countries' contexts.
  • Early-life Exposures and Child Health: Research on multiple early-life exposures and their effects on child health and development.
  • Chronic Diseases and Aging: The role of cumulative environmental exposures in the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, respiratory diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Precision Medicine: Utilising exposome data to advance precision medicine and improve health outcomes in clinical settings.

3. Biological Impacts and Experimental Modeling in Exposomics

  • Molecular and Cellular Responses: Investigating how environmental exposures influence molecular and cellular processes, including gene expression, epigenetic modifications, and metabolic pathways.
  • Animal and In Vitro Models: Use of animal models and in vitro systems to study the biological effects of environmental exposures and to identify potential mechanisms of toxicity.
  • Integrative Omics Approaches: Combining genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other omics data to understand the comprehensive biological impact of the exposome.

4. Translational Research: Bridging experimental findings with clinical and epidemiological studies to better understand the health implications of exposome-related findings​.

Key Dates

  • Abstract Call Deadline: July 1st 2024
  • Abstract Selection Disclosure: July 26th 2024
  • Registration Deadline: Sept 13th 2024


Scientific Core Committee

Agenda Outline

  • 09.30 - 10.00 h — Welcome Coffee - Networking
  • 10.00 - 10.30 h — Introduction local and global exposome research landscape (ISGlobal)
  • 10.30 - 11.30 h — Part 1: Invited scientific presentations
  • 11.30 - 12.30 h — Coffee Break - Poster session for early career researchers (selected based on abstract selection before the event)
  • 12.30 - 13.30 h — Part 2: Invited and abstract-selected scientific presentations

Find here the detailed programme of the symposium. Regarding participation format, the event will be in-person and presentations need to be in this format. Livestream option will be available, but just to follow presentations only.




Abstract Submission and Review Process

Abstracts submitted to the Barcelona Exposome Symposium will undergo a streamlined review process, starting with an initial screening and coordination by the core team, followed by a detailed evaluation by committee members. The scientific committee will then select the final abstracts. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by July 27th. The selection criteria focus on relevance to the symposium's topics, scientific rigour, clarity of presentation, interdisciplinary merit, and potential public health impact. This thorough and fair evaluation ensures that the symposium features high-quality discussions that are both impactful and informative.

Oral presentations (12 min) and Posters are invited for broadly defined exposomics and environmental health related topics. Posters can cover a wide range of subjects within these fields.

Submission Guidelines: Abstracts should be 200 words max.

Coordinated by:


Support provided by:



Policy & Global Development

74 Organisations Join Park(ing) Day Barcelona to Claim an Alternative Model of a City

The citizens’ movement was the central axis of the tenth anniversary of Park(ing)Day Barcelona, which gave visibility to neighborhood cohesion as an engine of change in the city.


On Friday, September 20, Barcelona hosted a new edition of Park(ing) Day Barcelona, an initiative coordinated by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and Espai Ambiental Cooperativa, with funding from the Barcelona City Council, and the collaboration of EIT Urban Mobility. The day calls for a healthier and more sustainable urban model through multiple initiatives of the participating organizations, which transform parking spaces into meeting spaces, gardens and other alternative uses of public space.

“Like many other cities in the world, Barcelona has a major problem: pollution from motorised vehicle traffic and the consequent degradation of public space and the environment,” says Nahuel Osorio, a member of Espai Ambiental Cooperativa. The initiative also seeks to highlight the impact of urbanism on human health and the need to take urgent measures to prevent the consequences of pollution in cities. “Air pollution is the main environmental factor with the greatest impact on human health and in urban areas the greatest contribution comes from motorised transport. At the local level, Barcelona is the sixth European city with the highest burden of mortality associated with air pollution, making it urgent to rethink urban planning to protect the health of its inhabitants”, says Pamela Blanche, science disseminator at ISGlobal.

This year we celebrated the tenth edition with the participation of 74 entities that occupied a total of 86 parking spaces with different types of installations. The entities, which belong to diverse fields (cultural, artistic, social and solidarity economy, feminism or urbanism, among others) have offered a wide program of activities. These included workshops, talks, intergenerational shows and informative spaces on urban planning, climate change and health. Barcelona's libraries were particularly involved, offering reading spaces for children and adults.

Citizens' movement: for a more cohesive Park(ing)Day

In 2024, the citizen movement as a driving force for change in the urban model was the central focus of Park(ing) Day Barcelona. Half of the participating entities were grouped by neighborhoods, reflecting social cohesion and community effort. In numbers, 16 of the 38 locations were organised by groups of 2 to 9 district entities. This tenth edition focused on the contribution that each participating entity makes individually and the impact they achieve when organized and presented collectively.

Park(ing) Day seeks to encourage citizens to reclaim public space, offering an opportunity to generate meetings, debates and make socio-environmental issues visible. The occupation of parking spaces is intended to raise awareness and give voice to the initiatives and ideas of Barcelona's neighbors on the use of public space. Activities included workshops on sustainable transport, road safety, accessible spaces for all, children's areas, urban renaturalization initiatives and climate emergency.

Despite heavy rains on Friday, enthusiasm remained high among participants. Many adapted their activities and found creative ways to make the most of the day, ensuring that the event’s message to reclaim urban spaces for community use stayed front and centre.

This edition of Park(ing)Day was organized in collaboration with EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a European Union agency, whose main objective is to provide innovative solutions and accelerate the transition to a multimodal, integrated and user-centered transport system. “Cities must be designed by and for citizens, it is necessary a transformation of cities that today are designed around cars, sacrificing living space, clean air and quality of life. This is why EIT Urban Mobility is leading this transformation by providing cities with tools, solutions and the innovative ecosystem that make change possible,” says María Paula Caycedo, director of the South Innovation Hub at EIT Urban Mobility. 

Jornada de Salud Mental Comunitaria y Migración

9.00 - 14.00 h
Palau Macaya (Pg. de St. Joan, 108, L'Eixample, 08037 Barcelona)

El objetivo de la jornada es reflexionar sobre los representantes, oportunidades y modelos de intervención en salud mental comunitaria dirigida a la población migrante.

La jornada está dirigida a personal técnico de entidades y administraciones que trabajan con la población migrante, personal técnico y referentes de servicios de atención en salud mental, responsables políticos y coordinadores de servicios comunitarios o de atención a personas migrantes, personal investigador y estudiantes.

Este evento está organizado por el Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal), el Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu y Fundació per a la Recerca Sant Joan de Déu, el Màster en Salut Mental Comunitària UB y el Institut Català de la Salut (ICS). 


8:45h – Llegada e inscripciones

9h – Bienvenida

9:15h – Sessión inaugural: "Promoción de la salud mental en la población migrada: de la intervención clínica a la comunitaria". Conversación entre Joseba Achotegui y Paco Collazos. Modera Yolanda Osorio

10:15h- 11:30h – Mesa redonda: “Experiencias comunitarias interculturales de promoción de la salud mental: lecciones aprendidas”. Modera Stella Evangelidou

  • “Cuerpo y dolor”, Asociación Retorna: Kainat Iqbal Hameed Bibi (coordinadora y mediadora), Rosa Cardús y Paola Borlini (psicoterapeutas)
  • “Autocuidado entre mujeres”, Alba Cuxart (ISGlobal), Irene de Gracia, Carla Cisneros (RBECs CAPs Raval Sud y Raval Nord) y Fajar Matloob (Mediadora Cultural)

11:30h – Pausa café

12:00h – Mesa redonda: "Hacia un modelo de intervención comunitaria en salud mental con población migrada a Cataluña: retos, oportunidades y hoja de ruta". Modera Moisés Carmona

  • Victoria Feijoo (Atención Primaria y a la Comunidad de Barcelona Ciutat, Institut Català de la Salut)
  • Fàtima Ahmed, Co-fundadora de la Associación Intercultural Diàlegs de Dona
  • Soraya Ares, Associación Bayt-Al-Thaqafa
  • Anna Morancho, Salut i Cures, Àrea de Drets Socials, Salut, Cooperació i Comunitat, Ajuntament de Barcelona
  • Loida Mejía / Mireia Albors, Servei d’Acció Comunitària, Ajuntament de Barcelona

13:30h – Clausura: “Reflexiones finales para la investigación y la acción”

  • Stella Evangelidou, Yolanda Osorio i Moisès Carmona
  • Conclusiones co-creades con el público


Noche Europea de la Investigación 2024

European Researchers Night 2020

La Noche Europea de la Investigación se celebra cada año el último viernes de septiembre en más de 300 ciudades de 30 países de toda Europa. Su objetivo es acercar la investigación, la innovación y sus protagonistas, los científicos y científicas, a la ciudadanía de forma llana y divertida. Así, todo tipo de público, desde escuelas, familias y niños hasta jóvenes o adultos de todas las edades, podrán conocer y ser partícipes de la ciencia de su territorio a través de diferentes actividades como talleres, charlas, espectáculos, experimentos, observaciones astronómicas y juegos.

ISGlobal es una de las instituciones que coordinan el programa en Cataluña, la #NitRecerCat, conjuntamente con la Asociación Catalana de Comunicación Científica, la Universidad de Barcelona, ​​la Universidad de Girona, la Universidad de Lleida, la Universidad Rovira i Virgili, la Universidad de Vic, la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y la Fundación Bofill.

Para inscribirse en las actividades, es necesario hacerlo a través de este formulario.

Actividades de ISGlobal

Mesa redonda: "Revelar amenazas ocultas: el impacto de las exposiciones químicas y los disruptores endocrinos en la salud pública"

Ponentes: Léa Maitre, Pablo Gago, Nuria Güil y Emma Calikanzaro.

Lugar, día y hora: Centre Cívic El Sortidor, 25 de septiembre, de 18:00 a 19:00 h


Cinefórum sobre el NOMA. Proyección del documental "Restoring Dignity" y debate posterior

Lugar, día y hora: CC Golferichs, 26 de septiembre, de 18:30 a 20:00 h


Game Over en el papiloma! Taller divulgativo sobre el HPV

Ponente: Laia Diez Ahijado, ISGlobal
Lugar, día y hora: Vil·la Urània, 26 de septiembre, de 19.00 a 20.00 h


Taller: Descubre cómo combatir las resistencias a los antibióticos: Una charla para el futuro de la salud global

Ponente: Marina Tarrús, ISGlobal
Lugar, día y hora: Auditorio Barradas, 27 de septiembre, de 18.00 a 19.00 h


Microcharla: "Esto también es investigación..."

Ponente: Anna Oje, ISGlobal
Lugar, día y hora: Vil·la Urània, 27 de septiembre, de 19.00 a 20.00 h


Taller - Bibliolab Refugios Climáticos

19/09/2024 - 19/11/2024
Biblioteca Sagrada Família - Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte (Carrer de Provença, 480, L'Eixample, Barcelona)

Desde el proyecto BiblioLab Refugios Climáticos te invitamos a explorar de forma práctica y entretenida los caminos más convenientes para refugiarnos del calor. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, co-diseñaremos elementos visuales para divulgarlos a los vecinos y vecinas del barrio La Sagrada Família y alrededores.

El taller se realizará en dos ciclos. Cada ciclo tendrá la misma estructura, pero estudiará distintas rutas. Puedes apuntarte a las sesiones que más te interesen, a todo un ciclo o a los dos.

Ofrecemos dos ciclos de 4 sesiones:
1a sesión: ¿Cuáles son los caminos más frescos?
Día 19 de septiembre, de 18 a 19.30 h, o el 15 de octubre, de 18 a 19.30 h.
Hablaremos de las olas de calor en Barcelona y analizaremos los caminos a explorar.

2a sesión: ¡A la calle a medir!
Día 26 de septiembre, de 18 a 19:30 h, o martes, 22 de octubre, de 18 a 19:30 h.
Caminaremos por las calles para visualizar la temperatura con una cámara termográfica.

3a sesión: Resultados con creatividad
3 de octubre, de 18 a 19:30 h, o 29 de octubre, de 18 a 19:30 h.
Revisaremos los resultados y decidiremos la estrategia de comunicación.

4a sesión: Rutas para el barrio
10 de octubre, de 18 a 19.30 h, o 5 de noviembre, de 18 a 19.30 h.
Diseñaremos de forma gráfica los resultados de la ruta más fresca y conveniente.

El 19 de noviembre, de 18 a 19h, se realizará una sesión de clausura donde ambos ciclos compartirán sus resultados.

Esta actividad es gratuita y está a cargo de ISGlobal e Illustraciencia, en colaboración con la Biblioteca Sagrada Família. Es necesaria inscripción previa.


Microorganisms Can Travel Long Distances in the Troposphere

Air samples taken at altitudes up to 3,000 metres over Japan unveil the presence of a wide array of microbes, some of which are potentially pathogenic to humans, transported thousands of kilometres by aerosols originating in northeast China

Avioneta Cessna tomando muestras de aire en el área de Tokyo.
Photo: canva

The analysis of air samples taken at altitudes of up to 3,000 metres above Japan has revealed the presence of a vast range of viable bacteria and fungi transported by air masses originating more than 2,000 kilometres away, in regions enriched with fertilisers and pesticides. The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), reveals a new way in which human, animal and plant pathogens may travel to distant geographical regions. This research has been led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by “la Caixa” Foundation, in collaboration with the Daniel Bravo Andreu Private Foundation (FPDBA).

Pathogens can be airborne, but little is known about the diversity of microbes that can survive at very high altitudes, where the conditions are harsh. “We know that above a certain point in the troposphere (called the planetary boundary layer), certain materials can be transported over long distances because the air in that region is isolated from the surface and there is less friction. But we did not suspect that viable microorganisms could be there also,” says Xavier Rodó, ICREA researcher at ISGlobal.

“Our study is unique in that we performed 10 tropospheric flights to examine microbial diversity at high altitudes, while most studies have been performed only a few metres above the ground or the ocean,” he adds.

Airborne microbes high above Japan

Using a Cessna aircraft, Rodó and an international team of colleagues conducted ten air surveys between 1,000 and 3,000 metres above Japan, starting from Chofu airport near Tokyo. All flights were planned to follow wind currents coming from mainland Asia in what are known as tropospheric bridges, which connect air from distant regions of the world; in this case, air that uplifts in mainland China and then descends over Tokyo due to typical winter weather conditions. For comparison, samples were also collected on the ground at Chofu. A total of 22 aerosol filter samples, collected during two periods (February and April, 2014), were analysed for their chemical and biological composition.

DNA sequencing allowed the research team to identify over 266 fungal and 305 bacterial genera associated with the aerosols, some of which are potentially pathogenic for humans, other animals or plants. For instance, bacterial species such as Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Clostridium difficile, Clostridium botulinum, Haemophillus parainfluenzae, Acinetobacter baumannii and several Staphylococcus species were identified, as well as fungal species from genera such as Candida, Cladosporium and Malassezia, capable of causing disease in susceptible and immunocompromised individuals.

By culturing some of the samples, the researchers showed that bacteria collected from the air remained viable, and that some were resistant to commonly used antibiotics. “Surprisingly, the Micrococcus luteus strain isolated was resistant to multiple drugs, including carbapenems, glycopeptides, ciprofloxacin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Our findings suggest that antimicrobial resistance could spread over long distances via this previously unrecognised route", says Sofya Podzniakova, co-first author of the study.

Travelling thousands of kilometres

The association of these aerosols with certain elements such as zinc sulfate and potassium, commonly used in fertilizers and pesticides, suggests an agricultural origin, consistent with intensively farmed croplands in northeast China.

Finally, during the days sampled, flight and ground samples were very similar in terms of microbial diversity, which can be explained by air descending from high altitudes to the ground. The particle transport models, simulated by Roger Curcoll -currently a researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC)- have corroborated both the possible transport of these particles from northeast China and the decline of tropospheric air masses to land in Japan.

“Our findings uncover a rich and unprecedented diversity of microbes that are dispersed by wind currents thousands of kilometres away from their sources by intense tunnels of wind that form high in the troposphere,” says Rodó. “They represent a paradigm shift in our understanding of how human health can be affected by pathogens thriving in the environment, particularly in the air”.

While the study does not prove a causal link between the presence of known human pathogens in aerosols and health effects, it does emphasise the need to further explore the spread of different microbial pathogens over long distances.



Rodó X, Pozdniakova S, Borràs S, Matsuki A, Tanimoto H, Armengol MP, Pey I, VilaJ, Muñoz L, Santamaria S, Cañas L, Morgui JA, Fontal A, Curcoll R. Microbial richness and air chemistry in aerosols above the PBL confirm 2000-km long-distance transport of potential human pathogens. PNAS. 2024. doi:10/1073/pnas.2404191121.


MASLD and MASH: prioritising a global public health threat

08:00 - 10:30 h
Paramount Club, 1301 6th Ave, New York, NY 10019

Join Economist Impact for ‘MASLD and MASH: prioritising a global public health threat’, supported by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). 

The event is scheduled for September 23 2024 from 08:00 - 10:30 h in New York and will explore the critical public health threats posed by MASLD (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease) and MASH (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis), diseases that affect one in three adults worldwide.

It will bring together senior global stakeholders (Government [including policymakers, regulators and influencers], Civil Society and/or Patient Organizations, Multilateral Organisations [e.g., UN or NCD-related], Healthcare providers) to discuss the future outlook and policies required to reduce the environmental, social, economic, and human contributors to these diseases.

Broad themes for the session include:

  • The social and economic consequences: What are the impacts of leaving MASLD and MASH unaddressed on both societal and economic levels?
  • Raising awareness: How can awareness around MASLD and MASH be improved to encourage more action by governments, healthcare providers, and civil society?
  • Building a cohesive community: How can a more cohesive community of practice around MASLD and MASH be developed, nurtured, and supported?
  • Policy development: What types of policies can be implemented to reduce the environmental, social, economic, and human contributors to MASLD?


  • Elly Vaughan, senior global health manager, Economist Impact


  • H.E. Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, minister of public health, Qatar
  • Anupriya Patel, minister of state for health, Government of India (tentative)
  • David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz, director general , National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran
  • Christoph Benn, director for global health diplomacy, Joep Lange Institute
  • Jeffrey V. Lazarus, Head of Public Health Liver Group, ISGlobal; Professor of Global Health, CUNY SPH; Chair, Healthy Livers Healthy Lives coalition
  • Johanna Ralston, chief executive, World Obesity Federation
  • Arun J. Sanyal, director, Stravitz-Sanyal institute for liver disease and metabolic health, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine


8:00 h - Registration opens

8:45 h - Opening remarks and research findings by Economist Impact

  • Elly Vaughan, senior global health manager, Economist Impact

9:00 h - VIP Fireside chat: Action-oriented policymaking at a national and international level


  • H.E. Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, minister of public health, Qatar
  • Anupriya Patel, minister of state for health, Government of India (tentative)
  • David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz, director general, National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran

9:30 h - Panel session: Creating cohesion in policy, awareness and community of practice around MASLD and MASH


  • Christoph Benn, director for global health diplomacy, Joep Lange Institute
  • Jeffrey V. Lazarus, head of public health liver group, ISGlobal; professor of global health, CUNY SPH; chair, Healthy Livers Healthy Lives Coalition
  • Johanna Ralston, chief executive, World Obesity Federation
  • Arun J. Sanyal, director, Stravitz-Sanyal institute for liver disease and metabolic health, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

10:20 h - Closing remarks

10:25 h - Networking and light refreshments

11:00 h - Event concludes

The event is supported financially by Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, Echosens, The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy and the CUNY SPH Foundation.

Register now!

Women in Data Science Barcelona Biomedicine

Making more visible the work from women leaders in the fields of biology, biomedicine, and digital health

09.00 h - 17.00 h
UPF Poblenou Campus (Carrer de Roc Boronat, 138, Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona, Spain) and online

The Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists around the world, independently of their gender, to support women and gender non-conforming individuals in the field. WiDS promotes gender diversity by making more visible the work from women leaders in the fields of biology, biomedicine, and digital health.

WiDS Barcelona Biomedicine is independently organized by Lauren Fromont, Maia Nahmod, and Paula Petrone to be part of the mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work.

The event is supported by ISGlobal and the Escola d'Enginyeria UPF. Registration is required.

Poster Presentations Open to All

The submission period for Oral Presentations is now open and will close on 11 October 2024.


  • Paula Petrone, Associate Research Professor ISGlobal 
  • Maia Nahmod, Healthcare IT Consultant, IN2
  • Lauren Fromont, Program Officer, EpiGen Ethiopia, ISGlobal


  • Gemma Piella, Full Professor, Engineering Sciences, UPF
  • Denise Naniche, Scientific Director, ISGlobal
  • Núria Monsterrat, Minister of Research and Universities, Catalan government
  • Mafalda Díaz, Centre for Genomic Regulation
  • Laia Paré, Reveal Genomics
  • Marta Melé, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Paula Petrone, ISGlobal
  • Carolina Migliorelli, Eurecat Centre Tecnològic
  • Marta Saiz, Pompeu Fabra University
  • Judit Giró, The Blue Box
  • Ariadna Rius, eHealth Consultant
  • Judit Camargo, Roka Furadada
  • Jessica Breitenfeld, Global Speaker & Team Trainer

Cinefórum sobre el NOMA: Proyección del documental "Restoring Dignity" y debate posterior

18.30 h - 20.00 h
Sala del pati, junto al acceso lateral al Chalet de CC Golferichs (Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 491, L'Eixample, 08015 Barcelona)

En el marco de la Nit de la Recerca 2024, te invitamos a una tarde de concienciación y aprendizaje con la proyección del documental "Restoring Dignity. Un viaje con supervivientes de noma", seguido de un debate moderado por Rafael Vilasanjuan, director de Análisis y Desarrollo Global de ISGlobal y donde participarán la codirectora Claire Jeantet, junto a una de sus protagonistas; Mulikat Okanlawon, fundadora y presidenta de Elysium, primera asociación de personas supervivientes de noma y Valter Muendane, representante de Elysium en Mozambique.

Este evento ofrece una oportunidad única para conocer de cerca la lucha contra el noma, una enfermedad devastadora y poco conocida. La proyección de la película será en versión original subtitulada en español. El debate posterior será también en inglés y con traducción simultánea al castellano. Las preguntas se podrán realizar en catalán, en castellano o en inglés.


18:30 - 19:30: Proyección del documental "Restoring Dignity. Un viaje con supervivientes de noma".
19:30 - 20:00: Debate y sesión de preguntas y respuestas con Claire Jeantet (co-directora del documental), Mulikat Okanlawon (una de las protagonistas y presidenta de Elysium) y Valter Muendane (representante de Elysium en Mozambique) . Modera: Rafa Vilasanjuan, director de Análisis y Desarrollo Global de ISGlobal

La entrada gratuita, previo registro aquí.


Heat Caused Over 47,000 Deaths in Europe in 2023, the Second Highest Burden of the Last Decade

Heat related mortality would have been 80% higher in absence of the adaptation observed during the present century

Heat Caused over 47,000 Deaths in Europe in 2023, the second highest burden of the last decade

More than 47,000 people died in Europe as a result of high temperatures in 2023, the warmest year on record globally and the second warmest in Europe. This is the estimate of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by the "la Caixa" Foundation, and published in Nature Medicine. The researchers report that the vulnerability to heat of European societies has progressively decreased over the present century, and estimate that without these societal adaptation processes, the heat related mortality burden over the past year would have been 80% higher.

The study replicates the methodology used last year in another paper published in Nature Medicine, which estimated that heat caused more than 60,000 deaths during the summer of 2022, which represented the highest heat related mortality burden of the last decade. In a nutshell, researchers used temperature and mortality records from 823 regions in 35 European countries for the period 2015-2019 to fit epidemiological models to estimate heat related mortality in each European region over the entire year 2023.

In contrast to the summer of 2022, which was characterised by persistent extreme temperatures in the central part of the season from mid-July to mid-August, no large thermal anomalies were recorded during the same weeks in 2023. However, two episodes of high temperatures in mid-July and late August would have accounted for more than 57% of the overall estimated mortality, with more than 27,000 deaths.

Southern European countries, the most affected

The results show a total of 47,690 estimated deaths in 2023 across the 35 countries as a whole, of which 47,312 deaths would have occurred in the hottest period of the year (between 29 May and 1 October). When accounting for the population, the countries with the highest heat related mortality rates were in southern Europe, namely Greece (393 deaths per million), Bulgaria (229 deaths per million), Italy (209 deaths per million), Spain (175 deaths per million), Cyprus (167 deaths per million) and Portugal (136 deaths per million).



The following link shows the details of the mortality estimates for the 35 countries analysed.

Higher vulnerability for women and people over 80 years

In line with previous studies, the data show a higher vulnerability of women and older people. Specifically, after accounting for the population, the heat related mortality rate was 55% higher in women than in men, and 768% higher in people over 80 years of age than in people aged between 65 and 79 years.

Possible underestimation of the actual heat related mortality burden

The authors of the study caution that these numbers may underestimate the actual heat related mortality burden. Due to the unavailability of daily, homogeneous mortality records during the year of 2023, they had to use weekly counts of deaths from Eurostat. In a recent study published in the Lancet Regional Health – Europe, the same authors showed that the use of weekly data would lead to an underestimation of the heat related mortality burden, and described a methodology to correct this bias. Taking this into account, researchers estimate that the likely heat related death toll in 2023 could have actually been of the order of 58,000 deaths in the 35 countries studied, although a more accurate estimate could only be obtained if improved mortality databases were made available to the scientific community.

Societal adaptation to heat prevents up to 80% of mortality

One of the aims of the study was to assess whether there has been a decrease of the vulnerability to heat in Europe, a process that is generally understood as an adaptation to rising temperatures. To do this, the researchers fitted the same type of model to temperature and mortality data from the periods 2000-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014 and 2015-2019. They then plugged 2023 temperatures and mortality numbers into each of the four models to estimate the number of deaths that would have occurred in each period if temperatures had been as high as they had been in 2023.

Using this method, it was estimated that if the temperatures recorded in 2023 had occurred in the period 2000-2004, the estimated heat related mortality would have exceeded the number of 85,000 deaths, that is, 80% higher than the result arising from the vulnerability to heat in the period 2015-2019. For people over 80 years, the number of deaths would have more than doubled, from 1,102 to more than 2,200 heat related deaths.

"Our results show how there have been societal adaptation processes to high temperatures during the present century, which have dramatically reduced the heat-related vulnerability and mortality burden of recent summers, especially among the elderly”, says Elisa Gallo, researcher at ISGlobal and first author of the study.

"For example, we see that since 2000, the minimum mortality temperature - the optimum temperature with the lowest mortality risk - has been gradually warming on average over the continent, from 15ºC in 2000-2004 to 17.7ºC in 2015-2019. This indicates that we are less vulnerable to heat than we were at the beginning of the century, probably as a result of general socio-economic progress, improvements in individual behaviour and public health measures such as the heat prevention plans implemented after the record-breaking summer of 2003", adds Elisa Gallo.

Beyond physiological limits of adaptation

“In 2023, almost half of the days exceeded the 1.5°C threshold set by the Paris Agreement and Europe is warming at a rate twice as fast as the global average. Climate projections indicate that the 1.5°C limit is likely to be exceeded before 2027, leaving us a very small window of opportunity to act”, says Joan Ballester Claramunt, Principal Investigator of the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant EARLY-ADAPT (

“We need to take into account that inherent limits in human physiology and societal structure are likely to set a bound to the potential for further adaptation in the future. There is an urgent need to implement strategies aimed at further reducing the mortality burden of the coming warmer summers, together with more comprehensive monitoring of the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. These adaptation measures must be combined with mitigation efforts by governments and the general population to avoid reaching tipping points and critical thresholds in temperature projections”, he adds., a tool for predicting mortality risk by sex and age

Recently, the research group that carried out the study presented, a web-based tool open to the public that provides predictions of mortality risk associated with cold and heat by gender and age for 580 regions in 31 European countries. This early warning system is not based solely on meteorological data, but incorporates epidemiological models to estimate the actual health risks for each population group. is available free of charge ( and provides forecasts up to 15 days in advance.


The study has been carried out in the context of the EARLY-ADAPT project (, funded by the European Research Council, and aimed at studying how populations are adapting to the public health challenges triggered by climate change.


Elisa Gallo, Marcos Quijal-Zamorano, Raúl Fernando Méndez Turrubiates, Cathryn Tonne, Xavier Basagaña, Hicham Achebak & Joan Ballester. Heat-related mortality in Europe during 2023 and the role of adaptation in protecting health. Nature Medicine, 2024.


EPICOH Early Conference

EPICOH Early Conference.jpg
04/11/2024 - 05/11/2024
PRBB - Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (C/ del Dr. Aiguader, 88, Barcelona)

The EPICOH Early Career Conference 2024 will be held on 4-5 November at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) in Barcelona. It is organised by the Scientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), an international organisation that is part of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH).

The conference serves as a platform for early career researchers and professionals in the field of occupational epidemiology, industrial hygiene and occupational health to exchange ideas, share insights, and foster collaboration. The event will highlight research from early career researchers and will include keynote lectures and networking activities. Barbara Harding, researcher at ISGlobal, is the Chair of the Organising Committee.

Registration ends on 4 October!

Please note that the conference registration deadline is 4 October. We encourage all attendees to register for the conference as soon as possible on the conference website:

Visit the EPICOH Early Career Network LinkedIn page for more updates. The organisation will post and discuss about the conference

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm! We look forward to welcoming you in Barcelona.


Neurological Symptoms Are Common - and Similar- in Severely Ill Children With Different Conditions

New study shows the urgent need to use early diagnostic tools to accurately identify the cause of such symptoms and tailor interventions to reduce mortality in children


In low and middle-income countries, severely ill children often present neurological manifestations prior to death, which are linked to a variety of diseases that can be treated. Lumbar punctures, which can help to identify the causes of these neurological symptoms and prevent deaths, are seldom used. These are the main conclusions of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by “la Caixa” Foundation, and published in JAMA Network Open

When children suddenly show neurological symptoms, they need urgent medical help. LMICs have the highest number of these cases but lack the necessary resources for proper diagnosis and treatment. So far, understanding the reasons behind these medical emergencies mainly depends on clinical assessments and family reports after a child's death.

This study was done within a network focused on preventing child deaths, called the CHAMPS Network. A team led by Quique Bassat, ICREA researcher and ISGlobal General Director, analysed data from more than 3,000 deceased children in seven LMICs to identify what neurological symptoms were present prior to the death and correlate them with the cause of death. To determine the latter, the CHAMPS network uses a minimally invasive tissue sampling technique (MITS) developed and validated by ISGlobal researchers, which consists in obtaining small tissue samples and bodily fluids (blood, cerebrospinal fluid) after death and analysing them using advanced histopathological and microbiological tests.

Clinical evaluations are not enough

Of the 1,330 children who had neurological evaluations recorded, over half of them (727 out of 1,330, or 54.7%) showed neurological symptoms before their death. The most common confirmed causes of death were: lack of oxygen to the brain (23.2%); infections of the brain like meningitis and encephalitis (10.2%); and cerebral malaria (5.11%).

The neurological symptoms were very similar across different diagnoses, and clinical manifestations were unable to differentiate the main underlying causes. Among neonates, the most important syndromes presenting similar manifestations where hypoxic events and meningitis, and in children, the most similar presentations were in children with cerebral malaria and meningitis. However, only 18% of children with meningitis had a lumbar puncture (a crucial diagnostic test) conducted prior to death. This is because of several reasons, including lack of resources to perform lumbar punctures, a lack of capacity or laboratory infrastructures to test the cerebrospinal fluid, and the lack of clear guidelines.

“Neurological symptoms are common in very ill children in LMICs, but it is impossible to determine the exact cause without performing complementary tests” says Sara Ajanovic, ISGlobal researcher and first author of the study. The study shows that lumbar punctures are seldom performed in LMICs, and in more than half of the study settings, they were practically unavailable. “Sadly, this places these settings very far from achieving the goals within the WHO Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis by 2030. Improving the early diagnosis of neurological emergencies is essential to reduce child mortality rates,” she adds. The authors point out that nearly 90% of deaths following neurological symptoms were preventable.

“The CHAMPS network gives us a unique opportunity of creating knowledge about the underlying causes of neurological emergencies among children in LMICs,” concludes Bassat.


Ajanovic S, Madewell ZJ, El Arifeen S et al. Neurological symptoms and cause of death among young children in LMIC. Results from the CHAMPS network, 2016-2022. JAMA Network Open. DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.31512