Global Chagas Disease Coalition

Global Chagas Disease Coalition

The Global Chagas Disease Coalition is an alliance of partners who have joined forces to promote access to diagnosis and treatment for patients with Chagas disease and to stimulate innovation in this field and the development of new tools to fight the disease.

Although international guidelines recommend that patients with Chagas disease should be treated, only 1% of those affected currently have access to treatment. This deplorable situation is the reason why the mobilization of efforts to increase access to treatment is so urgent, and the Coalition's aim is to play a central role in driving the agenda and achieving this goal.

In addition to its five founding members —ISGlobal, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), Fundación Mundo Sano, CEADES and the Sabin Vaccine Institute—the Coalition hopes to incorporate more institutions interested in joining this alliance against Chagas disease and  has recently welcomed two new members—the Center of Excellence for Chagas Disease at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center and the Nhepacha network. 

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Global Chagas Coalition Declaration



New Tools for the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Chagas Disease

Other projects

See Past Projects


New Tools for the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Chagas Disease

RTS,S Vaccine Immunology Study

Study of immune correlates of protection against malaria after vaccination with RTS,S/AS01E: a comprehensive immunological arm of a Phase III double-blind, randomized, controlled multi-center trial

Control of Leishmaniasis. From bench to bedside and community


Grup de recerca en patología importada i malaties emergents i re-emergents


New chemotherapy regimens and biomarkers for Chagas Disease


Unravelling Disease Tolerance and Host Resistance in Afebrile 'P. falciparum' Infections: a Prospective Study in Mozambican Adults


Malaria mass and focal drug administration to advance malaria elimination in Mozambique: accelerating programmatic implementation and policy translation


Citizens engagement digital platform for collective intelligence in pandemics


Novel organ-on-a-chip technology to study extracellular vesicles-mediated cryptic infections in Plasmodium vivax malaria


Building Scalable Pathogen Genomic Epidemiology in Ethiopia


Transcriptional regulation of adaptation and developmental decisions in malaria parasites: from epigenetic variation to directed transcriptional responses


Broad One Health Endectocide-based Malaria Intervention in Africa


Mechanisms of the transcriptional responses to changes in the environment in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum


Extracellular Vesicles as Intercellular Communicators and Biomarkers of Cryptic Erythrocytic Infections in Plasmodium vivax malaria


Unravelling the heterogoneity and function of monocytes in vaccination and immunity to malaria


Insight on climate and social participatory research for integral management of vectorborne zoonosis caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp. in the Bolivian Gran Chaco.


Social affairs and sex in P. falciparum: implications for malaria elimination

MENA Migrant Health

Transforming data collection and surveillance to drive migrant health research, care and policy


Sharing knowledge and catalyzing research towards a malaria-free world


Identifying Severe Malaria with a new Aptamer-based Rapid diagnostic Test


New antimalarial therapies targeting the glycosylation pathways of ‘Plasmodium falciparum’


P. falciparum genomic intelligence in Mozambique