- Durada
- 2021-2024
- Coordinador
- Alfredo Mayor (ISGlobal)
- Finançadors
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Mozambique is among the ten countries with the highest burden of malaria worldwide. At the same time, the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) of Mozambique seeks to accelerate elimination in the south, where transmission is lowest. NMCP is currently working with partners to set up a high-resolution surveillance system that can drive decision-making across all transmission strata through strengthening of routine data quality, data use and data to action packages. However, decisions become more complex as control reveals heterogeneity and better tools are required for a strategic use of information to drive impact.
The overall aim of the GenMoz project is to build malaria genomic capacities in Mozambique in order to increase the actionable intelligence for making programmatic decisions on the optimal mix of control and elimination measures in Mozambique. The project proposes a participatory approach engaging all parts of the health system to promote a culture of genetic data use and increase the public health impact, while leveraging ongoing activities and existing capacity in Mozambique.
We will first develop analytical and interpretive genomic capacities at the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM), an institution with extensive experience in malaria research and a pivotal role in contributing to the development of the Mozambican Ministry of Health's overall health policy. We will then integrate genomic intelligence in the NMCP’s strategic and operational activities through:
- Embedding genetic surveillance on ongoing and future routine control and elimination strategies (e.g. use of routine samples).
- The integration of genomic surveillance onto the Integrated Malaria Information Storage System (iMISS) for analysing, visualising and generating data for action (e.g. through genetic surveillance dashboards) at the appropriate granularity level.
The project will be conducted by the Manhiça Health Research Center (Mozambique) in close collaboration with ISGlobal, Malaria Consortium, the University of California-San Francisco and the Institute of Disease Modelling.
Total Funding
5 910 781 USD
Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça (CISM)
- Francisco Saúte
- Pedro Aide
- Gloria Matambisso
- Meritxell Molinos
- Arsenio Nhacolo
- Simone Boene
- Kiba Jamila
- Clemente da Silva
National Malaria Control Program in Mozambique:
- Baltazar Candrinho
University of California San Francisco:
- Andrés Aranda-Diaz
- Bryan Greenhouse
Malaria Consortium
- Sonia Enosse
Institute of Disease Modelling
- Kate Battle
- Caitlin Bever
- Josh Proctor
- Jessica Ribado
Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV-CSIC)
- Iñaki Comas
Brochure #01
Brochure #02
Brochure #03
Brochure #04
Brochure #05
Brochure #06
Brochure #07
Brochure #08
Brochure #09
Brochure #10
Our Team
Principal Investigator (PI)
Alfredo Mayor Research Professor
ISGlobal Team
Nanna Brokhattingen Investigadora predoctoral
Pau Cistero Tècnic de Suport Científic - Laboratori
Manuel García Ulloa Bioinformatics Technician
Carla García Tècnica de laboratori
Arnau Pujol Junior Research Leader
Eduard Rovira Project Coordinator
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