- Duration
- 01/06/2023 - 01/06/2027
- Coordinator
- Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD)
- Funded by
The 21st century is witnessing an increased incidence of epidemics (Zika, Dengue, Ebola, SARS), with the recent COVID-19 being the latest highlight. Following the outbreak of several infectious diseases in the last decade, the need to generate real-time pathogen genomic data for public health interventions has become more important than ever.
In the African context, infrastructure, human resource capacity, data analysis including bioinformatics, lack of linkage between clinical, epidemiological and pathogen genomic data and interaction between clinicians, researchers and decision makers are some of the major challenges.
The EpiGen project aims to build capacity for integrated pathogen genomic surveillance for informed public health decision-making.
The overarching specific objectives include strengthening the collection and analysis of clinical and epidemiological data; enhancing the capacity and capability for pathogen genomic sequencing, including strengthening laboratory infrastructure, human resources, pathogen genomic data analysis and integration of metadata with genomic data; developing and implementing innovative digital diagnostic platforms; creating semi-real-time mobile phone applications for policy making; and promoting communities of practice and knowledge exchange by fostering African collaboration and networking in the field of pathogen genomic surveillance for infectious diseases.
The Consortium
The multidisciplinary consortium of the EpiGen project consists of several Ethiopian institutions involved in national public health programmes and EU partners (Netherlands, Spain and Germany).
Overall, the model approach proposed by EpiGen will strengthen Ethiopia's national efforts to reduce the threat of infectious diseases. The implementation of national genomics-informed surveillance for infectious diseases will play an important public health role in contributing to disease prevention and control programmes in Ethiopia and beyond.
Total Funding
5,500,000 € (EDCTP3)
Our Team
ISGlobal Staff Involved
Núria Casamitjana Badia
Alfredo Mayor Research Professor
DENISE NANICHE Scientific Director
Paula Petrone
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