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Investigación, Salud Materna, Infantil y Reproductiva


Impact of perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines on health-seeking behaviours in Sierra Leone

IPERVAC-SL project
Foto: Cristina Enguita
01/02/2022 - 31/01/2023
Cristina Enguita
Fundación Glòria Soler

IPERVAC-SL is a qualitative study with a socio-anthropological approach aimed to understand perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines among lay persons and healthcare staff in Sierra Leone and its implications on health-seeking behaviours.

Data on social perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines in African countries have mostly been drawn from cross-sectional surveys, with the methodological strengths and limitations they entail. So far, studies of this phenomenon, with this geographical focus, and from a qualitative perspective are scarce. There is a need to employ context-sensitive analyses focused on socially-based experiences and perspectives, which allow for an understanding of the complexity of vaccine hesitancy as embedded in existing social dynamics. In addition, much of the data collected so far describe the perceptions that existed before COVID-19 vaccines distribution began in these countries (anticipated reluctance), but very few studies describe de facto resistances and how these relate to current health-seeking behaviours.

Specific Objectives

  • To describe perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines among lay persons and healthcare staff in the study site.
  • To assess the influence of these perceptions on the use of the Expanded Program on Immunisation (EPI) services by parents and caretakers.
  • To assess the influence of these perceptions on the access, demand and use of healthcare services among the adult population.
  • To explore and describe the target population’s knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and practices/behaviours related to COVID-19 and how these relate to attitudes towards vaccination.
  • To identify narratives about the COVID-19 pandemic and how these relate to attitudes towards vaccination.
  • To understand whether perceptions of COVID-19 are articulated in relation to social imaginaries on epidemics and the collective epidemiological memory (for example, lived experiences with regard to previous epidemics, such as the recent Ebola epidemic), and to describe this relation if identified.
  • To assess the impact these findings may have on the implementation of an ongoing clinical trial on the effect of azithromycin on child survival (ICARIA project)

Total Funding

32.177 euros

Funded by Fundación Glòria Soler

Nuestro equipo


ISGlobal Team

  • Yara Alonso
    Yara Alonso Técnica de investigación
  • Anna Lucas
    Anna Lucas Coordinadora de la Iniciativa de Salud Materna, Infantil y Reproductiva
  • Clara Menéndez Santos
    Clara Menéndez Santos

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