Asset Publisher

Research, Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health

HIV drug resistance (HIVDR)

Description of HIV drug resistance patterns and its association with the risk of HIV mother to child transmission among pregnant women from southern Mozambique

01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
Raquel González
Funded by
Instituto de Salud Carlos III

HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) can compromise the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART), which is particularly important among pregnant women from sub-Saharan Africa due to the high burden of infection in the region and the risk of HIV mother to child transmission (MTCT).


To describe the prevalence and characteristics of HIVDR mutations among Mozambican pregnant women before and after dolutegravir (DTG) scale up in the country, and to evaluate its association with the risk of MTCT of HIV through breastfeeding.


Plasma samples from 200 HIV-infected pregnant women with virological failure (HIV viral load> 50 c/ml) will be analyzed. HIVDR will be determined using MiSeq® in samples collected at the first antenatal care visit and at delivery. In a sub-sample of participants, the presence of HIV in breastmilk will also be analyzed.

Total Funding

123,000 EUR



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