Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

ISGlobal's Research Group

With the widespread availability of life-saving antiretroviral therapy, there is international momentum to develop and scale up prevention and treatment strategies throughout the world with the ambitious target of halting HIV transmission by 2030. The path to end HIV/AIDS is beset with challenges which we seek to address at ISGlobal through several lines of research:

  • Assessment of new tools for improved diagnosis and clinical management of HIV including advanced HIV disease and associated comorbidities
  • Epidemiological and operational research in the community to improve access to treatment and care in the sub Saharan African setting
  • HIV and women's and children's health
  • HIV and urban poverty in Barcelona
  • Development of clinic screening tools in the beyond viral suppression era (Spain and Italy)
  • Patient experience studies (Spain, Croatia and Romania)

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