Asset Publisher

Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health


Surveillance of Zika virus infection in pregnant women travelling from affected areas

01/2016 - 12/2017
Azucena Bardají
Funded by
FIS-MINECO (Subprograma de proyectos de investigación en salud, AED 2015)

Recently, the causal relationship between prenatal Zika virus infection and microcephaly and other serious brain anomalies has been confirmed. This outbreak represents a global health emergency of devastating consequences for maternal and foetal health. Currently, Zika virus cases have been documented in a total of 75 countries and territories.

This study aims to generate new knowledge on the epidemiology and impact of ZIKV infection in pregnancy that may foster the identification of most adequate strategies to prevent the deleterious effects of ZV on maternal and foetal health. In order to address this, we are carrying out a hospital-based surveillance study of ZIKV infection in pregnant women travelling from affected areas that allow to rapidly identify ZIKV positive cases in pregnant women, to evaluate the negative effects of ZIKV infection in pregnancy, and to understand the in-utero mechanisms of infection and the role of the placenta. 

Total funding:

91,657.50 €

Our Team


ISGlobal team

  • Elena Marbán Castro
    Elena Marbán Castro
  • Miguel Julián Martínez Yoldi
    Miguel Julián Martínez Yoldi
    JAUME ORDI Research Professor
  • Victoria Fumado Perez
    Victoria Fumado Perez
  • Inés Oliveira
    Inés Oliveira
  • Maria Jesús Pinazo Delgado
    Maria Jesús Pinazo Delgado
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