PERS (bordetella PErtussis and Respiratory Syncytiual virus in pregnant women and their infants)
Contributing to the road map of maternal immunization: Determining the burden of Bordetella pertussis, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Influenza virus in pregnant women and their infants in Mozambique

- Duration
- 03/2017 - 03/2018
- Coordinator
- Azucena Bardají
- Funded by
- MINECO / Women in Science-UNESCO. L'Oreal Foundation
Maternal immunization represents a unique opportunity to protect pregnant women and their babies from diseases that cause substantial morbidity and mortality. Currently inactivated influenza, tetanus toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccines are recommended during pregnancy. Tetanus toxoid is the only widely implemented in low-income countries. Other vaccines under evaluation or in development for potential maternal immunization include group B Streptococcus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Acute respiratory infections such as those associated to Bordetella pertussis and RSV are among the most important causes responsible for morbidity and mortality during the first months of life. Pertussis is a highly infectious and severe respiratory disease than can be fatal in young infants, and currently and emergent global health problem.
This study aims to understand the burden and epidemiology of Bordetella pertussis, RSV and Influeza virus in pregnant women and young infants from Mozambique as site preparation investment for the evaluation of new vaccines during pregnancy to protect mothers, infants or both. The will be an observational, prospective study that will be conducted by the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM) and ISGlobal at the Manhiça District Hospital over 12 months, and that will enroll 250 pregnant women and their infants. The prevalence of infection by Bordetella pertussis, VRS and influenza virus will be determinated in pregnant women at the time of delivery, as well as in their infants after birth. The incidence of acute respiratory infections due to pertussis, VRS and influenza virus over the first 90 days of life will be determined among infants born to study women. The role of HIV and malaria in modifying the burden of pertussis, RSV and influenza virus will be also investigated.
Our Team
Azucena Bardají Associate Research Professor
ISGlobal team
Clara Menéndez Santos
Elena Marban Castro
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