Asset Publisher

Policy & Global Development

Mediterranean Health Observatory

Photo: Susana Oñoro

The Mediterranean Health Observatory is a project driven by ISGlobal and the Moroccan Ministry of Health and supported by the Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Development (AECID), whose aim is to identify and work on global health issues of particular relevance to the Mediterranean Basin that are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, such as environmental health and migrant health.

Based in Morocco, the Observatory seeks to establish a wide network of experts and institutions specialised in generating and analysing health data, in order to translate biomedical and epidemiological research into public policies and related social and sanitary interventions.

The objectives of the Mediterranean Health Observatory include:

  • Analyse global health trends in the region and plan potential responses 
  • Collect and analyse data to develop recommendations intended for decision makers
  • Encourage debates on the health deficits in Morocco and the rest of the region
  • Establish a regional network of health and research centres that helps identify stakeholders in the field

In the area of health and environment, the Observatory will develop environmental and health indicators, evaluate their quality, analyse data, and develop recommendations for the authorities regarding health-related mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change.>

In the area of migrant health, it will address the new challenges related to migratory flows and needs, through a multidisciplinary approach involving research, health policies, development aid, and training, thus promoting an exchange of good practices developed in different countries of the Western Mediterranean route.


MENA Migrant Health

Transforming data collection and surveillance to drive migrant health research, care and policy