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Translation and Impact

New Study on Spain's Contribution to the Fight Against Malaria

ISGlobal's Think Tank highlights the leading role played by Spain in the fight against malaria and shows that the country's efforts have benefited not only malaria-endemic countries but also Spain itself


The Spanish Contribution to the Fight Against Malaria (2000–2010), a new study published by ISGlobal's Think Tank and the Fundación Ramón Areces shows that Spain's role in the fight against malaria has not only been instrumental in reducing the impact of this disease worldwide but has also generated important benefits at a national level.

Matiana González, author of the study and coordinator of ISGlobal's Malaria Elimination Initiative, explained that by allocating resources to a disease that affects other countries, Spain has generated a niche economy in its own country through the creation of high-skill jobs and quality research that attracts resources and spurs industrial development.

Dr Pedro Alonso, Director of ISGlobal, added that it was essential to stress the quality of Spain's contributions, as these have helped to define new global policies in the fight against malaria and allowed Spain and its institutions to take a leading role among international decision-makers in this field.

The study also highlights the fact that the initiatives taken by both the public and private sectors have helped to establish a cooperation model based on the exchange of knowledge and results that goes beyond the mere transfer of resources.