Asset Publisher

Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health


Identification of Prematurity and Pre-Eclampsia as Causes of Mortality

MIBio project
08/10/2019 - 31/05/2022
Natalia Rakislova
Funded by
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The MIBio project (INV-002394) is coordinated by the Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal) and is carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM, Mozambique), the Maputo Central Hospital (MCH, Mozambique), the Manhiça Health Research Center/Fundação Manhiça (CISM/FM, Mozambique) and Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (FCRB, Spain).

The overall goal of the MIBio project is to potentially reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with preterm birth and/or preeclampsia in a low-resource setting by improving the accuracy of postmortem identification of these conditions. Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling (MITS) enriched with the determination of angiogenic biomarkers and post-mortem ultrasound could serve as a perinatal mortality surveillance tool in geographic areas with a high burden of pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and prematurity.

Additionally, the project also aims at contributing to the capacity building of young African researchers and establishing sustainable networks to tackle preeclampsia and prematurity.

Total Funding

1,499,945.00 USD

Our Team


  • Natalia Rakislova
    Natalia Rakislova

ISGlobal Team

  • Raquel González Alvarez
    Raquel González Alvarez
  • Clara Menéndez Santos
    Clara Menéndez Santos
    JAUME ORDI Research Professor

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