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ISGlobal, Among the Spanish Organisations Receiving the Most Funding from the Horizon Europe Research Programme

In the first three years of the European programme (2021-2023), Spain is the third most funded country, after Germany and France.


The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) consolidates its position as one of the key entities in Spain's participation in Horizon Europe, the largest research and innovation programme in Europe. During the programme's first three years (2021-2023), ISGlobal has positioned itself among the 20 Spanish entities with the most funding received and ranks third among the category of research centres.

In this same period, Spain has become the third most funded country in Horizon Europe, behind only Germany and France, achieving a record economic return that underlines its growing prominence in the European field of research and innovation.

Leading role in health research funding

Horizon Europe is Europe's largest research and innovation programme, with a budget of close to 100 billion euros. This programme has been instrumental in boosting strategic sectors such as life sciences and health research.

During 2021-2023, ISGlobal has stood out at the European level, leading fundraising in the EDCTP3 programme (European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership), which focuses on the fight against infectious diseases in global contexts. In addition, it has led fundraising in Spain within Cluster 1 - Health, Demographic Change and Well-being, which includes the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) and Mission Cancer.

Horizon Europe boosts research and innovation in Spain and Catalonia

In global terms, Spain has achieved a return of 3,416.9 million euros in the calls awarded during the first three years of the programme, with a rate of return of 11.7%. This success reflects the growing prominence of Spanish entities, which coordinate 16% of the funded projects and participate in one of every three successful proposals.

For its part, Catalonia has consolidated its position as a national benchmark in fundraising, attracting 1,076.4 million euros, which represents 31% of the national total. In the health sector, Catalonia accounts for 52% of these funds, as well as 50.4% of the funds from the European Research Council (ERC) and 46.7% of those from the European Innovation Council (EIC).

ISGlobal's achievements strengthen Spain's position in research and innovation and highlight the institute's ability to lead projects with international impact in global health.