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A PR3 Challenge: Preparedness and Response in the Era of Systemic Environment and Health Crises

An ISGlobal Workshop


On May 5th 2022, CaixaForum Macaya (Barcelona) hosted the first day of the workshop "A PR3 Challenge: Preparedness and Response in the Era of Systemic Environment and Health Crises", organised by ISGlobal, with the collaboration of the "la Caixa" Foundation and the Ramón Areces Foundation, and the support of “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX 2018-000806-S) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation and State Research Agency. The following day, on 6 May 2022, the Ramón Areces Foundation (Madrid) hosted the second day of the workshop.

Video 1 (above)

The meeting addressed PR3 strategies related to different types of health crises: infectious diseases, chemical, radiological and natural disasters, including those resulting from climate change. Participants tried to identify commonalities and differences in order to outline a common approach and create a network of experts in Europe and beyond to prepare for and respond to different public health crises.

Video 2

Existing and emerging responses at local, national, European and global levels were also discussed, with the aim of reviewing ongoing PR3-related initiatives and activities, and identifying new areas of collaboration and engagement of the scientific community to strengthen PR3 capacities.

Video 3

Finally, brainstorming was promoted around the following actions and activities: common protocols and approaches; improving epidemiological information systems; governance; providing capacity through networks of experts who can advise on different health hazards; and fostering constructive public and political conversation.

Video 4 - Round table

The day after the technical workshop in Barcelona, we opened the conversation to the public through a dynamic (Davos’ style) round table with those in charge of taking these decisions forward. Based on short summaries from the two workshops and engaging a wide range of stakeholders at different levels (politicians, philanthropists, public officials, communicators), we discussed how best to collaborate in the implementation of a meaningful preparedness and response framework.

>> More information and full programme