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Vulnerability During the Migration Process: a Health Perspective

Rights and Social Services Access for Vulnerable Categories During the Migration Process

18.00 h
Tour & Taxis
(Avenue du Port 86) Brussels, Belgium
Gonzalo Fanjul (ISGlobal) (moderator)

In the last decade, inequality and lack of opportunities, together with the growing instability in some countries, have increased the migration flows and have intensified clandestine human migration. Many migrants are living in a systematic violation of human rights with not access to the basic services. They find themselves in a vulnerable situation during all stages of the migration process, being exposed to a series of traumas experienced either in the country of origin, transit or destination. The social assistance of the member states must come strong and unanimous.

The session "Vulnerability during the migration process: a health perspective" will address the issue of migration in a wide spectrum: from the voluntary displacement to the humanitarian crisis, highlighting the effectiveness of the intervention, to ensure fundamental human rights. It will approach the situation of migrants in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and West Africa, through a participatory debate, moderated by Gonzalo Fanjul, Policy Director at ISGlobal and co-founder of Fundación por Causa. Four organizations will steer this Lab, counting with the participation of the Member of the European Parliament Elena Valenciano, Subcommittee on Human Rights.

The debate will focus on health needs and access to basic social services, mainly to health service, even from the point of view of equality to the access and human rights protection, and a special importance will be dedicated to the necessity of minors unaccompanied during the migration process. The speakers are: Ousmane Sanogo (Save the Children), Agostino Miozzo (Emergency ONG Onlus), Jara Henar (Alianza por la solidaridad) and Claire Seaward (OXFAM).

The hashtag #EDD17Migrants will be used to tweet the session live, combined with #EDD17.

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