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Investigación, Salud Materna, Infantil y Reproductiva

Preparando la implementación de nuevas vacunas en el embarazo: Estudio de las barreras y facilitadores de la aceptabilidad de vacunas en embarazadas

Project Code: PI19/01346

01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Azucena Bardají
Instituto de Salud Carlos III Unión Europea Este proyecto está cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). “Una manera de hacer Europa”

Maternal immunization is an excellent evidence-based approach for preventing severe disease and decreasing neonatal and infant deaths. Tetanus, pertussis and influenza vaccines are recommended for pregnant women globally, however, despite the proven benefits and availability of safe and effective vaccines, as well as the recommendations by the World Health Organization, coverage among pregnant women remains sub-optimal.

New maternal vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Group B Streptococcus (GBS) will be available in the upcoming years. Understanding baseline awareness and perceived risk and benefits of maternal immunization among pregnant women and health care providers is essential to better anticipate acceptance of new maternal immunization strategies.

This study aims to advance in the understanding of potential barriers and facilitators to maternal vaccine acceptance in preparation for wide implementation and uptake of future vaccines in pregnancy. In order to address this, we propose to conduct a mixed-methods research study on the drivers that influence maternal vaccine acceptance among pregnant women and health care providers.

This study is expected to provide the information needed to guide decisions and approaches for effective implementation of future maternal vaccines.



52.000 €



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