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Fio Vialard obtained a Master's degree in Epidemiology from McGill University in 2024. The subject of their thesis was on clinical risk prediction models implemented for sexually transmitted infections in Canadian populations. They also hold a Master of Microbiology and Immunology from McGill University since 2021. Their research experience includes a position as a Junior Research Assistant at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (2021-2022), in which they worked on two systematic reviews of point-of-care tests for infectious diseases. In 2023, they received the Soe-Lin-Hecht Global Health Graduate Award, in the context of the Global Health Graduate Scholar program from McGill University. This award supported a field research project of six weeks in India on the topic of diagnostic dual HPV and HBV screening in India.

In 2025, they joined ISGlobal as a pre-doctoral fellow, where they will continue to expand their expertise in epidemiological methods, proficiency in statistical and mathematical modeling, and interest for innovative diagnostic and prognostic technologies to assist on research to predict the risk of severe fever in children and newborns from low- and middle-income countries. 

Lines of research

  • Development and validation of clinical risk prediction models for infectious diseases
  • Evaluation of point-of-care diagnostic tests
  • Digital health technologies

Main publications

  • -A Anand, F Vialard, A Esmail, F Ahmad Khan, P O’Byrne, JP Routy, K Dheda, N Pant Pai. Self-tests for COVID-19: what is the evidence? A living systematic review and meta-analysis (2020-2023). Plos Global Public Health. 2024; 4(2).
  • F Vialard, I Allaeys, G Dong, MP Phan, U Singh, MJ Hébert, M Dieudé, D Langlais, E Boilard DP Labbé, and M Olivier. Thermoneutrality and severe malaria: investigating the effect of warmer environmental temperatures on the inflammatory response and disease progression. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023;14.
  • F Vialard, A Anand, C Leung Soo, A de Waal, M McGuire, S Carmona, M Fernandez-Suarez, AA Zwerling, N Pant Pai. Evaluation of self-sampling strategies (with/without digital innovations) in populations at risk for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analyses. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2023;99:420-428.
  • F Vialard, Olivier M. Thermoneutrality and Immunity: How Does Cold Stress Affect Disease? Frontiers in Immunology. 2020;11(3031).
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