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Equipo ISGlobal

Matilda van den Bosch

Matilda van den Bosch

Investigadora Sénior Clima, contaminación atmosférica, naturaleza y salud urbana

Matilda van den Bosch is a trained physician and she also has a PhD in Landscape Planning and Public Health.

She is a Senior Researcher at ISGlobal and an Adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada (at The School of Population and Public Health and at The Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences). In addition, she holds a position as a senior researcher at the European Forest Institute’s Biocities Facility in Rome, Italy. She is also an affiliate researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden.

Her research investigates how urban nature can improve human health, with a particular interest in childhood health and development. Her current projects relate to, for example, how prenatal environmental exposures influence birth  and later life neurodevelopmental outcomes. Ultimately, the goal of her work is to contribute to healthy conditions for both people and ecosystems by increasing our awareness of the importance of nature for everyone.

Matilda van den Bosch has worked as a consultant for numerous international organizations, including WHO, the UN Environmental Program, and the US Environmental Protection Agency. She is the primary editor of the Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health, published by the Oxford University Press in 2018.

Líneas de investigación

  • Public Health
  • Environmental Health
  • Ecosystem Services
  • Urban Natural Environments
  • Childhood Health and Development
  • Climate Change
  • Greenness Exposure Metrics

Principales publicaciones

  • Yuchi W, Brauer M, Czekajlo A, Davies HW, Davis Z, Guhn M, Jarvis, I, Jerrett M, Nesbitt L, Oberlander T, Sbihi H, Su J, van den Bosch M. Neighborhood environmental exposures and incidence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A population-based cohort study. Environment International. 2022;161:107120.
  • Pagalan L, Oberlander TF, Hanley GE, Rosella LC, Bickford C, Weikum W, Lanphear, N, Lanphear, B, Brauer, M, van den Bosch, M. The association between prenatal greenspace exposure and Autism spectrum disorder, and the potentially mediating role of air pollution reduction: A population-based birth cohort study. Environment International. 2022;167:107445.
  • Jarvis I, Davis Z, Sbihi H, Brauer M, Czekajlo A, Davies H, Gergel S, Guhn M, Jerrett M, Koehoorn M, Oberlander T, Sbihi H, Su J, van den Bosch M. Assessing the association between lifetime exposure to greenspace and early childhood development and the mediation effects of air pollution and noise in Canada: a population-based birth cohort study. The Lancet Planetary Health. 2021;5(10):e709-e1
  • Jarvis, I, Koehoorn, M., Gergel, S., van den Bosch, M. (2020) Different types of urban natural environments influence various dimensions of self-reported health. Environmental Research, 186.
  • van den Bosch, M., Meyer-Lindenberg, A. (2019) Environmental Exposures and Depression: Biological Mechanisms and Epidemiological Evidence. The Annual Review of Public Health. 40:18.1 – 18.21
  • van den Bosch, M., Ode Sang, A. (2017) Urban natural environments as Nature based solutions for improved public health – a systematic review of reviews. Environmental Research 158:373-384 
  • van den Bosch, M. & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (2017) Green the cities now – no time to waste. Environment International. 99:343-350 
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