Equipo ISGlobal - Título

Equipo ISGlobal

Natalia Rakislova

Natalia Rakislova

Assistant Research Professor Salud materna, infantil y reproductiva

Natalia Rakislova is a Medical doctor specialized in Surgical Pathology in Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. PhD degree obtained at the University of Barcelona in 2018, focused on the role of HPV infection in vulvar cancer.

She is a part-time Associated Researcher of ISGlobal combining research with routine pathology practice at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

Natalia Rakislova is currently involved in projects focusing on the use of Minimally Invasive Autopsy in Mozambique, in the group of Professor Jaume Ordi. On the other hand, she continues to pursue research on HPV and vulvar cancer.

Líneas de investigación

  • Minimally Invasive Autopsy in Mozambique
  • Role of HPV in vulvar cancer
  • Molecular characterization of vulvar cancer
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