Transparency Portal

In compliance with the provisions of article 3.4 of Law 19/2014, of December 29, transparency, access to public information and good governance, ISGlobal, as a private foundation that receives subsidies or public aid, is obliged to publish the information included in this Transparency Portal:
Operation and Structural Organisation
ISGlobal is a non-profit organisation. Our objective is to improve global health and promote health equity through excellence in research and the translation and application of knowledge. We believe that internal and external transparency must be guiding principles in our work. Our activity is regulated by the institute’s bylaws and is carried out in accordance with the following legislation, which together define the basic framework within which we operate:
- Act 4/2008, dated 25 April, of the Third Book of the Civil Code of Catalonia governing legal entities
- Act 21/2014, dated 29 December, on the protectorate of foundations
- Act 50/2002, dated 26 December, on the protectorate of foundations
- Act 49/2002, dated 23 December, on the tax framework for non-profit organisations
ISGlobal is represented and managed by its Board of Trustees, a body currently made up of 21 members. The Board of Trustees appoints the Director of ISGlobal and is responsible for ensuring that the institute carries out its mission. In its work and in the pursuit of its objectives, the Board of Trustees is supported and advised by the External Advisory Committee. The Board also appoints an Executive Committee, which can act on behalf of the Board of Trustees when so instructed and empowered.
You can find more information about the institutional and administrative structure of ISGlobal on our governance page and in our annual report.
You can also find complete and detailed information about the governance structures and practices of the Foundation in the Annual Corporate Governance Report.
The organisation’s strategy is defined by a multi-year strategic framework. ISGlobal’s work is carried out by three departments: Research, Training, and Policy and Global Development. The main lines of strategy are defined by the five initiatives that structure most of our activity:
- Malaria Elimination Initiative
- Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health Initiative
- Chagas Initiative
- Antibiotic Resistance Initiative
- Urban Planning, Environment and Health
Publication of Accounts and Financial Information
ISGlobal’s annual report provides a summary of the work done during the preceding year and details of the annual budget. In accordance with the values that guide our activity, which include impartiality, responsibility and transparency, ISGlobal places information relating to its accounts at the disposition of the public through the Protectorate of Foundations. The institute’s annual accounts are audited by a specialist firm registered with the Spanish Official Register of Account Auditors. The funds that make ISGlobal’s work possible come from private and public sources and the details of these sources can be found in our annual report. In the course of its activities, ISGlobal signs cooperation agreements with national and international public and private entities.
ISGlobal has a Short-term Financial Investment Policy adapted to the Agreement of February 20, 2019 of the Council of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). In compliance with the provisions of article 333-10 of Law 4/2008, of April 24 (Third Book of the Civil Code of Catalonia); and in article 10.c of Order JUS/152/2018, of September 12, a report is issued regarding compliance with the aforementioned investment policy by the entity.
Anti-Corruption Policy
ISGlobal has an Anti-Corruption Policy whose purpose is to prevent both the entity and its employees and other obligated subjects from engaging in conducts that may be contrary to the Law and/or basic principles of action, such as: respect, integrity, transparency, excellence, professionalism, confidentiality and social responsibility.
Register of Groups of Interest of Catalonia
ISGlobal is registered and classified in the "Register of Groups of Interest of Catalonia", in accordance with the Resolution of May 18th, 2016, of the General Director of Law and Legal Entities of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The registry data of the entity are the following:
- Registration number: 46
- Classification: Category III, Non-governmental Organizations. Subcategory: Foundations and Associations.
European Union Transparency Registry
ISGlobal is registered and classified in the "Transparency Register of the European Union".
The registration data of the entity are as follows:
- Registration number: 696990851758-92
- Classification: Think tanks and research institutions