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Marta Chiodin

Marta Chiodin

Laboratory Technician

Marta earned her PhD in Genetics from the University of Barcelona, where she investigated developmental processes in acoelomorphs, a group of marine worms crucial for understanding the evolution of the bilateral body plan, the most common animal body plan.

She then moved to the University of Florida to continue her research on the evolution of animal complexity, employing a comparative genomics approach. Subsequently, she transitioned her expertise to the field of single cell biology at New York University, where she applied scRNA sequencing and Spatial Transcriptomics to a range of organisms.

Marta now joins ISGlobal's Malaria and Neglected Parasitic Diseases programme as a single-cell genomics specialist. In this role, she will support ISGlobal scientists in integrating single-cell genomics methodologies into their research.

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