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Adelaida Sarukhan

Adelaida Sarukhan

Impact coordinator / Scientific writer

PhD in Immunology, University of Paris VI, France. CR1 scientist at INSERM since 2000 (currently on leave), with extensive research experience in immune regulation.
After completing a Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication from Pompeu Fabra University in 2014, she joined ISGlobal as scientific writer and recently assumed the role of coordinator for the Impact Unit.  

Lines of research

  • Regulatory T cells
  • Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells
  • Autoimmunity
  • Cancer

Main publications

  •  Liutsko L, Oughton D, Sarukhan A, Cardis E. The SHAMISEN Recommendations on preparedness and health surveillance of populations affected by a radiation accident. Environ Int.  2021. Jan:146:106278. Doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106278. 
  • Lahmar Q, Schouppe E, Morias Y, Overmeire E, De Baetselier P, Movahedi K, Laoui D,  Sarukhan A, Van Ginderachter J. 2021. Monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells home to tumor-draining lymph nodes via CCR2 and locally modulate the immune response. Cell Immunol. 2021 Apr:362:104296. Doi: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2021.104296.  
  •  Morlacchi S, Soldani C, Viola A, Sarukhan A. 2011. Self-antigen presentation by mouse B cells results in regulatory T-cell induction rather than anergy or clonal deletion. Blood. 118(4):984-91. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-02-336115.PMID: 21652680.
  •  Morlacchi S, Dal Secco V, Soldani C, Glaichenhaus N, Viola A, Sarukhan A. 2011. Regulatory T cells target chemokine secretion by dendritic cells independently of their capacity to regulate T cell proliferation. J Immunol. 15;186(12):6807-14. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1003265. PMID: 21572026.
  •  Apostolou I, Sarukhan A, Klein L, von Boehmer H. 2002. Origin of regulatory T cells with known specificity for antigen. Nat Immunol. 3(8):756-63. PMID: 12089509.

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