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Anna Oncins is a postdoctoral researcher at ISGlobal's Malaria and neglected parasitic diseases programme, in Barcelona. She holds a PhD in Biomedicine from the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), in which she focused on the epigenetic characterization of translocations at bulk and single-cell levels in non-Hodgkin lymphoma. During her postdoc, she will study the epigenetic landscape of transcriptional regulation during malaria infection. 

Lines of research

  • Malaria
  • Epigenetics
  • Single cell omics 

Main publications

  • Oncins A et al. Translocations can drive expression changes of multiple genes in regulons covering entire chromosome arms. bioRxiv. 2024 Oct.
  • Campreciós G, Anton A, Oncins A et al. Lack of endothelial autophagy does not impair liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in mice. Liver Int. 2023 Oct;43(10):2302-2308
  • Lafoz E, Ruart M, Anton A, Oncins A and Hernandez-Gea V. The endothelium as a driver of liver fibrosis and regeneration. Cells. 2020 Apr 10;9(4):929
  • Bárcena C, Aran G, Perea L, Sanjurjo L, Téllez É, Oncins A et al. CD5L is a pleiotropic player in liver fibrosis controlling damage, fibrosis and immune cell content. EBioMedicine. 2019 May;43:513-524 
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