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Silvia Moreno Vázquez has a degree in Medicine from the University of Valladolid, specialising in as a general practitioner and is currently completing a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). She has completed medical internships in Cameroon and Nicaragua and has collaborated in health workshops and carrying out screenings with migrant population with the NGO Salud Entre Culturas in Madrid. She has experience in providing immediate health care to migrants arriving by irregular sea route to Lanzarote (Canary Islands) as part of the public Canarian Health Service. She has collaborated in the Migrant Health seminar of the Global Health Master's course of ISGlobal. Her interest lies in the intersection between health and migration processes from an anthropological perspective. She is part of the “Inequalities in Health and International Health” group of the Canarian Society of Family and Community Medicine (SoCaMFyC). She is currently developing her doctoral thesis on the health of people arriving by irregular sea route to the Canary Islands.

Lines of research

  • Migration
  • International Health
  • Medical anthropology

Main publications

  • José Manuel Díaz-Olalla, Irene Valero-Oteo, Silvia Moreno Vázquez, Gema Blasco-Novalbos, Juan Antonio del Moral Luque, Agustín Haro-León Caída de la esperanza de vida en distritos de Madrid en 2020: relación con determinantes sociales. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2021. 
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