Jose Muñoz
Associate Research Professor Malaria and Neglected Parasitic Diseases | Global Viral and Bacterial InfectionsJose Muñoz is a medical doctor, specialized in internal medicine and infectious diseases with more than 15 years of experience in this specialty. He has worked as a doctor and researcher in Ivory Coast, Mozambique and Latin America. He is currently Head of the International Health Service at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.
In the field of research, he works as Associate Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). His work here focuses on clinical and epidemiological research on imported tropical diseases among travellers and immigrants and neglected tropical diseases.
In the field of teaching, he is an associate professor at the University of Barcelona, his teaching activity is mainly directed at the Master in International Health at the University of Barcelona since 2005 and more recently at the Master in Global Health at ISGlobal. He also teaches several courses related to imported diseases.
Lines of research
- Imported infectious diseases in travelers and migrants: Clinical and epidemiological research of imported diseases in travelers especially focused on parasitic infections and vector-borne diseases.
- Neglected Tropical Diseases: Main interest in soil-transmitted helminths: diagnosis and treatment.
- Migration and health: The study of parasitic infections in migrants in Europe, particularly in the Latin American population. Special interest in diagnosis, case detection and screening.
Main publications
- Gandasegui J, Onwuchekwa C, Krolewiecki AJ, Doyle SR, Pullan RL, Enbiale W, Kepha S, Hatherell HA, van Lieshout L, Cambra-Pellejà M, Escola V, Muñoz J. Ivermectin and albendazole coadministration: opportunities for strongyloidiasis control. Lancet Infect Dis. 2022 Jul 15:S1473-3099(22)00369-3. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00369-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35850127.
- Camprubí-Ferrer D, Oteo JA, Bottieau E, Genton B, Balerdi-Sarasola L, Portillo A, Cobuccio L, Van Den Broucke S, Santibáñez S, Cadar D, Rodriguez-Valero N, Almuedo-Riera A, Subirà C, d'Acremont V, Martinez MJ, Roldán M, Navero-Castillejos J, Van Esbroeck M, Muñoz J. Doxycycline responding illnesses in returning travellers with undifferentiated non-malaria fever: a european multicenter prospective cohort study. J Travel Med. 2022 Aug 6:taac094. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taac094. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35932455.
- Camprubí-Ferrer D, Cobuccio L, Van Den Broucke S, Genton B, Bottieau E, d'Acremont V, Rodriguez-Valero N, Almuedo-Riera A, Balerdi-Sarasola L, Subirà C, Fernandez-Pardos M, Martinez MJ, Navero-Castillejos J, Vera I, Llenas-Garcia J, Rothe C, Cadar D, Van Esbroeck M, Foque N, Muñoz J. Causes of fever in returning travelers: a European multicenter prospective cohort study. J Travel Med. 2022 Mar 21;29(2):taac002. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taac002. PMID: 35040473.
- Beigel JH, Tomashek KM, Dodd LE, Mehta AK, Zingman BS, Kalil AC, Hohmann E, Chu HY, Luetkemeyer A, Kline S, Lopez de Castilla D, Finberg RW, Dierberg K, Tapson V, Hsieh L, Patterson TF, Paredes R, Sweeney DA, Short WR, Touloumi G, Lye DC, Ohmagari N, Oh MD, Ruiz-Palacios GM, Benfield T, Fätkenheuer G, Kortepeter MG, Atmar RL, Creech CB, Lundgren J, Babiker AG, Pett S, Neaton JD, Burgess TH, Bonnett T, Green M, Makowski M, Osinusi A, Nayak S, Lane HC; ACTT-1 Study Group Members. Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 - Final Report. N Engl J Med. 2020 Nov 5;383(19):1813-1826. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2007764. Epub 2020 Oct 8. PMID: 32445440; PMCID: PMC7262788.
- Requena-Méndez A, Moore DA, Subirà C, Muñoz J. Addressing the neglect: Chagas disease in London, UK. Lancet Glob Health. 2016 Apr;4(4):e231-3. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(16)00047-4. PubMed PMID: 27013306. IF: 17.686