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Barcelona Citizenship to Be Involved in a Research Study about Air Pollution Impact on Health


Even though air pollution directly affects citizens, they are rarely involved in key decisions on the air pollution-related research agenda

Is there anything you want to know about the air pollution that you didn't have the chance to ask before? Recent studies claim high air pollution levels in cities, including Barcelona. Last week, the European Commission announced that it will take Spain to the EU Court of Justice due to high air pollution levels in Madrid and Barcelona. Air pollution has several harmful effects on health, including neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even affects cognitive development in children , among other. According to an ISGlobal study, reducing pollution levels could help avoid 600 deaths in Barcelona.

Even though air pollution directly affects citizens, they are rarely involved in key decisions on the air pollution-related research agenda. With the purpose to turn this around, a new “citizen science” project called CitieS-Health recently started. It intends to engage citizens in the research process. The project, funded by the European Union H2020 programme, allows Barcelona citizens to lead a research study about air pollution impact on health.

The survey seeks to draw a picture of concerns and interests on the topic within the ten districts that comprise Barcelona

As part of the project first stage, epidemiological researchers from ISGlobal and citizen engagement experts from Ideas for Change are have launched an online campaign with a survey to learn about the citizens’ concerns on air pollution and health. The survey “Everything you wanted to know about the air but never dared to ask” seeks to draw a picture of concerns and interests on the topic within the ten districts that comprise Barcelona.

Starting in September, several activities will take place throughout the city to build on the survey results and gather research questions on the topic. These questions will be analysed for viability, and then people can vote online to select the main question in which citizens will engage along with researchers as part of CitieS-Health. The project will also organise open debates on ethics, opportunities and limitations of science, data management, and research results.

Dos personas gesticulan mientras hablan sentadas en una mesa de trabajo

Participants may attend debates on ethics, opportunities and limitations of science, data governance, and results of the research. (Nik Mac Millan / Unsplash)


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