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Infographic: 7 Things You'll Learn in the Diploma of Global Health Fundamentals

The Diploma of Global Health Fundamentals is designed for professionals willing to acquire the essential understanding and skills to address health issues from a holistic approach. Since improving health and increasing both life expectancy and quality of life only partially depends on direct health interventions, it is crucial to take also into consideration the social, economic, institutional and political aspects that condition health status. This program makes you develop the rigorous analytical tools needed to interpret health problems with an out-of-the-box perspective and stimulates your critical thinking for you to design and implement your own problem-solving approaches.
The following infographic shows 7 of the topics that are dealt with in more depth during the ISGlobal-University of Barcelona Diploma of Global Health Fundamentals. 
7 Things You'll Learn in the Diploma of Global Health Fundamentals

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