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Engaging Stakeholders in a Radiation Protection: A Key to Reduce the Exposure


[This article has been written by Liudmila Liutsko, Bieke Abelshausen, Adelaida Sarukhan, Catrinel Turcanu, Nadja Zeleznik and Elisabeth Cardis]

ISGlobal (through its Radiation Programme led by Elisabeth Cardis) contributes to ENGAGE

ISGlobal (through its Radiation Programme led by Elisabeth Cardis) contributes to ENGAGE (ENhancinG stAkeholder participation in the GovernancE of radiological risks for improved radiation protection and informed decision-making), a CONCERT EU-funded project. The two-year research project (November 2017-November 2019) is led by the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN) with Catrinel Turcanu as Principal Investigator.

The project deals with identifying and addressing key challenges and opportunities for stakeholder engagement in relation to the following situations:

  • Medical exposure to ionising radiation
  • Post-accident exposure
  • Exposure to indoor radon


The main structure of the ENGAGE project

The ENGAGE consortium brings together researchers in social sciences and humanities; radiation protection experts from nuclear safety and radiation protection authorities; leading research institutes in radiation protection; public health organizations; non-governmental organizations; and academia, representing 14 organizations from ten European countries

ENGAGE partners will bring in and work out relevant aspects for stakeholder engagement

ENGAGE partners will bring in and work out relevant aspects for stakeholder engagement in each of the three aforementioned exposure situations, highlighting European commonalities and national particularities. Within the ENGAGE project, stakeholder engagement experiences and approaches will be analysed, stakeholder views and lessons learnt will be shared, and findings will be used to draw recommendations.  

ENGAGE needs the support and cooperation of stakeholders from related fields and from civil society

To reach its goals, ENGAGE needs the support and cooperation of stakeholders from related fields and from civil society that in any form have a stake in radiation protection decision-making. Having a stake implies a variety of impacts, interests and responsibilities that affect people and the environment, ranging from patients or local populations, to doctors or emergency response personnel, and to decision makers. ENGAGE moves beyond informing stakeholders and uses approaches to radiation protection that are meaningful and legitimate to all relevant stakeholders.


You also can contribute, personally or institutionally to the outcome of this project, becoming an ENGAGE stakeholder!