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25 Frames per Second are Worth a Thousand Words


It is a routine question, almost a pleasantry, but it poses a slight difficulty:

—And you, where do you work?

A difficulty because you know that saying “ISGlobal”, will immediately lead to another question:

—What's that?

At this point—unless the person you are talking to works in the global health sector—the explanations get complicated: ISGlobal is the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, a centre of excellence in research and health care founded on a partnership between the Hospital Clínic and the University of Barcelona.

—A what?

An innovative partnership between academic, government and philanthropic organizations set up to help expand the work undertaken by the international community to meet the challenges posed by health in a globalised world.


The conversation usually ends at this point, not because the person's curiosity has been satisfied, but because the avalanche of new concepts is overwhelming for a person not familiar with the terms. This is why, after we launched this new global health institute, in an age when people are accustomed to receiving information in mobile and audiovisual formats, we created this short video to communicate in a more modern way our commitment to knowledge as the engine of development. Welcome to ISGlobal at 25 frames per second:  



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