Faculty - Title


Núria Salse

Núria Salse

Course Coordinator, Global Health Responses in Emergencies and Humanitarian Crisis
Diploma in Nursing in Barcelona and Master's in Tropical Diseases and Primary Health Care by the UAB, she has also undertaken many complementary training courses related to international cooperation, nutrition and epidemiology. With more than 15 years of experience in nutrition in developing countries such as Angola, Algeria, Mali, Niger, Ethiopia or Bangladesh among many others, she worked for 8 years in Action Against Hunger, where she is in charge of the Department of Nutrition and Health from 2005 to 2009. After that, she works as an independent nutrition consultant, conducting external evaluations, research studies and technical support to various humanitarian agencies such as Merlin, ACF International Network, Emergency Nutrition Network, UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP or MSF-Spain. Since 2011 and for 6 years, Núria has been the Nutrition technical referent for MSF in Barcelona, supporting the organization in the development of projects, policies and strategies to respond to nutrition related issues. She has also participated as principal researcher on nutrition studies in resource-limited settings. In May 2017 she joined La Cooperativa Humanitaria as an associate member where she contributes to the design and implementation of medical training and activities, especially those related to nutrition and epidemiology.
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