Lina Masana
Senior ResearcherLina Masana (BA, MSc, PhD) is a social and cultural anthropologist specialized in medical anthropology and international health.
Her fields of expertise are:
- ethnography,
- qualitative research, and
- narrative analysis,
especially concerning health and social care topics.
She has widely explored the topic of chronic illnesses experience and management, and her research interests and experience explored related topics such as disability, dependency, public policies, care needs, elderly care, end of life care and advanced directives, research ethics and bioethics, among others.
She has conducted scientific seminars at universities and research centres in Spain, The Netherlands, Austria and the UK, where she has worked on applied health research in two Health Research Institutes.
Currently, she is working at the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Evaluation of Catalonia (AQuAS) belonging to the Department of Health of the Catalan Government. She is also an associate professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Barcelona (UB), and collaborator of the Medical Anthropology Research Centre (MARC-URV).
Lines of research
- Chronic illnesses experience
- Illness narratives
- Health services assessment
Main publications
- Masana, Lina (2018). Book review: Uncertain futures: Communication and culture in childhood cancer treatment. Ignasi Clemente (2015). Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 28, 176-179.
- Masana, Lina (2017) “‘The Internet Saved My Live’ Overcoming Isolation and Loneliness among the Home-Bound Chronically Ill”. In: Hardon, Anita & Hadolt, Bernhard (eds.) New Socialities and Subjectivities in 21st Century Health Care . Amsterdam University Press. Pp.163-175. ISBN: 978-94-6298-277-2. e-ISBN: 978-90-4853-281-0.
- Masana, Lina (2017) “Cuidados informales de larga duración en España: retos, miradas y soluciones [Long Term Care and Informal Support in Spain: Challenges, Views and Solutions]. Salud Colectiva, 13(2), 337-352. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18294/sc.2017.1237
- Masana, Lina (2015) “La dimensión temporal de la enfermedad crónica: duración, diagnóstico y edad” [The temporal dimension of chronic illness: duration, diagnosis and age]. Revista de Ciências Sociais – Política & Trabalho, XXXII (42) Janeiro/Junho:45-68. ISSN 1517-5901
- Masana, Lina (2013) “Entre médicos y antropólogos. La escucha atenta y comprometida de la experiencia narrada de la enfermedad crónica” [ Among Doctors and Anthropologists. Attentive and Committed Listening to the Narratives of the Chronically Ill ]. In: Martínez-Hernáez, Àngel; Masana, Lina & DiGiacomo, Susan M. (eds.) Evidencias y narrativas en la atención sanitaria. Una perspectiva antropológica . Tarragona: Publicacions URV - Col·lecció Antropologia Mèdica. Pp.223-236. ISBN URV:978-84-695-7892-6 / ISBN Rede Unida: 978-85-66659-12-2
- Masana, Lina (2012) “Dogma nutricional bajo paradigma biomédico: repercusiones en personas con enfermedades crónicas” [ Nutritional Dogma within the Biomedical Paradigm: Consequences for the Chronically Ill ]. In: Gracia, Mabel (ed.) Alimentación, salud y cultura: encuentros interdisciplinares. Tarragona: Publicacions URV - Col·lecció Antropologia Mèdica. Pp.79-99. ISBN: 978-84-695-6294-9 Link
- Masana, Lina (2011) “Invisible Chronic Illnesses Inside Apparently Healthy Bodies”. In: Fainzang, Sylvie & Haxaire, Claudie (eds.) Of Bodies and Symptoms. Anthropological Perspectives on their Social and Medical Treatment. Tarragona: Publicacions URV- Col·lecció Antropologia Mèdica. Pp. 127-149. ISBN: 978-84-694-4991-2
- Masana, Caterina (2010) "Self-Care and Management of Adults with Chronic Illness and Dependency: The Spanish Case in the Context of the New Dependency Law". In: Fainzang, Sylvie; Einar Hem, Hans and Bech Risør, Mette (eds.) The Taste for Knowledge. Medical Anthropology Facing Medical Realities. Denmark: Aarhus University Press. Pp. 199-218. ISBN: 978-87-7934-515-7