Alberto García-Basteiro
Associate Research Professor Global Viral and Bacterial InfectionsDr. Alberto Garcia-Basteiro is an Associate Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ISGlobal in Barcelona, Spain and the coordinator of the TB research unit at the Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça (CISM), Mozambique. He trained as a physician at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in Spain and completed his residency in Preventative Medicine and Public Health at Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. Dr. Garcia-Basteiro received his Master´s Degree in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and later completed his PhD under the Erasmus Mundus Transglobal Health Joint Doctorate Programme, which was awarded by the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, AIGHD) and the University of Barcelona (ISGlobal).
Dr. Garcia-Basteiro joined ISGlobal in 2012 and is a lecturer in Epidemiology on the Master of Global Health ISGlobal-University of Barcelona. He is also physician at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, coordinator of the Tuberculosis and HIV Research Unit at the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM), and chair of the TB group at the European Respiratory Society (ERS).
Dr. Garcia-Basteiro has participated in many research projects and clinical trials focusing on poverty-related diseases, mostly in Central America and Africa. Currently, he is coordinating several large epidemiological studies, numerous evaluations of new diagnostic tools and various clinical drug trials in the field of tuberculosis. Dr. Garcia-Basteiro’s scientific interest focuses on assessing and understanding the burden of TB in Africa, particularly Mozambique, in the characterization of tuberculous at the microbiological, clinical and social level and in the development of new diagnostic tools and treatments.
Since the beginning of his academic career, Dr Garcia-Basteiro has published more than 130 peer reviewed articles in prestigious biomedical journals and has been invited as guest speaker at various important international conferences. He has received recognition and prizes for his work including the “Young Lecture” distinction (awarded by the Spanish Association of Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Surgery), The Enrique Najera Young Epidemiologist Award (from the Spanish Association of Epidemiology) and The 2017 Union Young Scientific Prize for the best young researcher in tuberculosis (awarded by the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease IUTLD).
Lines of research
- Epidemiological characterization of Tuberculosis in Mozambique
- Development of new tools against tuberculosis (new diagnostic tests, drug clinical trials)
- Individual and community determinants associated with vaccination of various infectious diseases.
Main publications
- García-Basteiro AL, Hurtado JC, Castillo P, Fernandes F, Navarro M, Lovane L, Casas I, Quintó L, Jordao D, Ismail MR, Lorenzoni C, Carrilho C, Sanz A, Rakislova N, Mira A, Alvarez-Martínez MJ, Cossa A, Cobelens F, Mandomando I, Vila J, Bassat Q, Menendez C, Ordi J, Martínez MJ. Unmasking the hidden tuberculosis mortality burden in a large postmortem study in Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique. Eur Respir J, (2019) 07 25 [Epub ahead of print]
- García-Basteiro AL, Brew J, Williams B, Borgdorff M, Cobelens F, What is the true tuberculosis mortality burden? Differences in estimates by the World Health Organization and the Global Burden of Disease study. Internationa Journal of Epidemiology, (2018) 47 (5): 1549-1560.
- Beynon F, Theron G, Respeito D, Mambuque E, Saavedra B, Bulo H, Sanz S, Dheda K, García-Basteiro AL Correlation of Xpert MTB/RIF with measures to assess Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacillary burden in high HIV burden areas of Southern Africa. Scientific Reports (2018) 8(1): 5201-
- García-Basteiro AL, Ribeiro RM, Brew J, Sacoor C, Valencia S, Bulo H, Cobelens F, Macete E. Tuberculosis on the rise in southern Mozambique (1997-2012). European Respiratory Journal, (2017) 49 (3): 1601683.
- García-Basteiro AL, Cobelens F. Triage tests: A new priority A new priority in TB diagnostics. Lancet Respir Med,(2015) 3(3):177-8
- García-Basteiro AL, López-Varela E, Manhiça I, Macete E, Alonso PL. Mozambique faces challenges in the fight against tuberculosis. Lancet (2014) 383(9913):215-216.