Asset Publisher

Research, Training, Translation and Impact

ISGlobal Publishes 2014 Annual Report

The report summarising last year's main activities is now available for download in PDF format


The 2014 Annual Report of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has been published and is now available online. The report describes the activities of our departments and initiatives and provides data on our finances and human resources.

The chapter on research provides information on our projects and the main results of the programmes underway in our research centre. The training chapter highlights the growing number of international students taking part in the ISGlobal–University of Barcelona postgraduate programmes. The report also covers the work of our newly created Policy and Global Development department, which oversees the activities previously carried out by ISGlobal's Think Tank and Technical Cooperation department. Finally, the chapter on strategic partnerships describes the activities undertaken jointly with partners in Mozambique, Bolivia and Morocco, which combine important research with efforts to build local human capacities and strengthen technical resources and infrastructure.

Click here to download ISGlobal's 2014 Annual Report.