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A New Space for Comprehensive Care of Travellers and Research on Imported and Emerging Diseases

The International Traveller Care Service (SAVI) of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, with which ISGlobal collaborates in research and cooperation activities, inaugurates its news premises

Photo: Aleix Cabrera/ISGlobal

The International Passenger Care Service (SAVI), part of the International Health Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, has inaugurated a new space at ground level on Casanova street, open to the general public,. This new space will house health professionals from the Hospital Clínic and ISGlobal who are responsible for providing care to travellers and migrants, as well as conducting research on imported and emerging diseases.

Care, research and collaboration on imported and emerging diseases

The International Health Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona is one of the leading centres for imported tropical diseases in Spain, with more than 30 years' experience. Through ISGlobal, it carries out research projects in different countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, and on emerging diseases and pandemic preparedness in Catalonia. In addition, the Clinic provides care to international travellers and migrants living in Catalonia.

"Collaboration between clinical practice and international health research is essential to improve healthcare and global health worldwide. SAVI's healthcare activity is an example of how collaboration between institutions and disciplines can bring added value to medical care and global health research," says Jose Muñoz, head of the International Health Service at the Clínic and ISGlobal researcher.

SAVI: comprehensive and continuous care for passengers

The International Traveller Care Service (SAVI) provides comprehensive and continuous health care to travellers, accompanying them throughout their journey. Each year, SAVI assists more than 21,000 travellers before, during and after their journey.

In this new phase, SAVI has a more innovative model, with an important digital component (telemedicine), and focuses on what it calls the "continuum of care". In other words, it offers specialised health care throughout the travel experience, from the preparation of the trip (pre-trip), during the trip (through the digital platform "Famba") and after the trip (post-trip).

Pioneers in global health

Thirty years ago, the Hospital Clínic became the first tertiary care hospital in Spain to establish a tropical medicine unit. The Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB) in 1996 was a result of this long tradition in tropical medicine. Five years later, CRESIB was a key factor in the creation of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). Together, these institutions have bolstered the treatment of imported tropical diseases not only by creating knowledge through research but also by ensuring that this knowledge is translated for the benefit of society.