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Recommendations of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the Summit of the Future

Recommendations of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the Summit of the Future

The present document presents a series of recommendations from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) as a contribution to the Summit of the Future.

We are in a pivotal year, regarded by many as a turning point where the major global challenges converge, such as climate change, rising inequalities, conflicts, and the impact of new technologies and artificial intelligence. In this environment of ongoing crises and constant transformation, the SDSN emphasizes the urgency of adapting the United Nations’ mechanisms and structure to these new realities, in order to ensure sustainable development and long-term global peace. The text also highlights the Summit of the Future as a unique opportunity to strengthen international cooperation in addressing the 21th century challenges. In this regard, the UN must evolve to facilitate a global transition toward sustainability, peace and social justice. To achieve this, governments are called to adopt a collaborative approach and implement the necessary reforms to ensure sustainable, equitable and peaceful development.

ISGlobal coordinates the Health for All initiative within the framework of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a project that promotes good practices to achieve the SDGs, while supporting the activities of its Spanish chapter (REDS-SDSN).