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New Candidates for the Joint Doctorate Trans Global Health Programme

Six new PhD students will start the second edition of the Erasmus Mundus Trans Global Health Programme in September


Six new PhD candidates have been selected for the second edition of the Trans Global Health Programme, which is part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme. They will start their studies in September 2014. Two of the six students will take part of their research into HIV/AIDS at ISGlobal in Barcelona, under the supervision of social researcher, Maria Roura. Their projects are:  

- "Reconceptualising HIV testing in the era of "test and treat": Novel approaches to intensifying HIV testing"

- "The development of HIV drug resistance and the identification of its determinants at the level of patient, health care provider and health system with particular emphasis on social and behavioral aspects"

The call for PhD applications for the third round of the programme will open in October 2014.Trans Globe Health is a new international Doctorate in Transdisciplinary Global Health Solutions jointly organised by the University of Barcelona-Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal, Spain); the VU University Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Medical Centre and the University of Amsterdam (Holland), the University of Bordeaux Segalen (France), and the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp (Belgium). It has been included in the European Union's Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programmes, an initiative designed to foster excellence in higher education.