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ISGlobal's Response to the Global Ebola Epidemic

ISGlobal draws up plan to support key institutions responsible for addressing the problem of the Ebola virus both in Spain and at the international level

Photo: Foto: MSF Ebola treatment centre in West Africa

The Ebola crisis is now a global emergency with political, social, economic, humanitarian and security dimensions. The epidemic has clearly shown that health problems—and particularly infectious diseases—do not respect national borders.

The Ebola epidemic is a global problem that requires a vigorous and concerted global response involving all the countries in the world. ISGlobal, as an institution involved in the generation and translation of scientific knowledge, has drawn up and is implementing an Ebola Plan to provide support for the institutions that are playing a key role in dealing with the situation both in Spain and on the international level.

Health care: ISGlobal is strengthening the training of health care personnel at the Hospital Clínic–Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Integrated Unit for Imported Tropical Diseases, one of only two referral units for imported tropical diseases in Spain. The particular focus of the training is on biosafety and the identification of possible cases of Ebola infection. The Institute is also studying the possibility of providing logistic support and, more specifically, laboratory support to the organisations working in the field in the countries most affected by the epidemic.

Technical support: ISGlobal is currently advising a number of bodies, including the Spanish Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya, to support their technical and scientific response to the crisis, including the creation of a scientific advisory committee.

Political action: ISGlobal is working to achieve a consensus between the Spanish political parties regarding a joint resolution on the country's response to the epidemic and to put in place the economic and human resources needed to support the international initiative under the leadership of the UN.

Epidemiology: Working together, ISGlobal and the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM) have offered to carry out clinical trials of candidate Ebola vaccines at CISM in Mozambique.

Learn more

Ebola Deeply

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Infoebola. Government of Spain (in Spanish)

Canal Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya (in Catalan)