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Research, Training, Translation and Impact

ISGlobal joins the Coalition of Centres in Global Child Health

The Coalition's goal is to coordinate efforts of different research centres of excellence to improve child health


ISGlobal has recently joined the Coalition of Centres in Global Child Health (CCGCH). The Coalition is a common platform for academic centres of excellence to collaborate on child survival, health and development. It will focus on five main points: capacity building, advocacy, generation of new knowledge, evidence translation to policies and programs, and the creation of institutional linkages.

The relatively young coalition was launched in July 2013 by Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta and has its headquarters in Toronto, Canada. To date, there are almost 40 members worldwide. The BC Children's Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto in Canada, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Edinburgh in the UK, the Boston University School of Public Health in the USA, and the Aga Khan University in Pakistan are a few examples.  

Over the coming months, the Coalition plans to launch educational symposia and workshops around the world in collaboration with Coalition participants, build an online education platform, and establish an international advisory/oversight committee.

ISGlobal looks forward to contributing to the Coalition's success, thanks to its long-standing experience in maternal, child and reproductive health in developing countries as well as in the transfer of scientific evidence into concrete actions.