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ISGlobal Joins the Network of Scientific Culture Units and Innovation

With this seal, FECYT recognises the educational tasks of the institutions


The Spanish Foundation for the Science and the Technology (FECYT), which depends on the Secretary of State for R+D+I of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, has granted ISGlobal the seal of Scientific Culture Unit and Innovation (UCC+i in Spanish) in recognition of its educational labor. Thereby, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health becomes another accredited member of the UCC+i Network that integrates close to 80 organisms across Spain.

The recognition is granted to research centres, universities and public or private organisms that over the year carry out actions of scientific dissemination and communication with the aim of approaching research, technology and innovation to the citizenship. It is valid for one year (until December 31, 2017), and can be renewed upon request.

Thanks to the platform of the Scientific Communication Network (ComCiRed, in Spanish), the UCC+i members can establish contacts, exchange communication and divulgation material, and submit joint outreach proposals. Besides, they can participate in the ComCiRed annual meeting that brings together UCC+i members and coordinators.

ISGlobal’s divulgative character reveals itself through a series of specific actions along the year, including the EscoLab, the Science Festival, the Scientific Week and the Pint of Science events. In addition, it collaborates in innovative outreach actions such as the Game of Environmental Determinants or the workshop ‘Design your own bacteria'.

These actions also reinforce the line of work on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), whose main aim is to conduct a more open and participative research and innovation in order to respond better to the health needs of the society.