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Research, Translation and Impact, Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health

ISGlobal Renews and Extends its Commitment to the ‘Every Woman, Every Child, Every Adolescent’ Global Strategy

It will not only contribute to the coordination of the R&D agenda, but also to maternal and child health research and training


In 2010, during the Millenium Developmental Goals Summit Meeting, the UN General Secretary launched the ‘Every Woman, Every Child’ global strategy in order to accelerate progress in two goals that lagged behind: maternal (MDG4) and child (MDG5) health. After this period, the new strategy, designed as a roadmap on maternal and child health for the coming years aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), includes for the first time adolescent health on the agenda.

As in the previous period, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health will support and contribute to the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health (2016-2030) along different areas: promoting a coordinated R&D agenda together with other collaborators, prioritizing research issues in maternal health that involve vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women and their newborns in malaria-endemic areas, and through training aimed at strengthening the capacity of health professionals, especially in low and middle income countries.

“Besides obstetric causes, infectious diseases contribute greatly to maternal mortality in developing countries” explains Anna Lucas, Coordinator of the Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health Initiative. Therefore, she adds, this is “a key research area to achieve the new health targets set by the SDG”.

“Both academic and research centres can and should contribute to advancethe agenda, particularly by identifying knowledge gaps and prioritizing operational research to ensure that the tools already available will benefit the target populations: women, children and disadvantaged teenagers” concludes Anna Lucas.


More information: ISGlobal Commitment