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Research, Training, Translation and Impact, Chagas, Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health, Malaria Elimination, Antimicrobial Resistance

ISGlobal Publishes Annual Report for 2015

The report summarises the organisation’s main activities and provides financial data for 2015, the year before the merger with CREAL


In 2015, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) celebrated its fifth anniversary and formalised its decision to merge with the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL). These are just two of the milestones highlighted in ISGlobal’s Annual Report for 2015, which has just been published.

In the section on research, the report notes that ISGlobal’s researchers produced, for the first time ever, more than 200 articles and reviews, a third of which were published in top-decile journals. Also in 2015, ISGlobal earned accreditation for excellence in human resource policy in the form of the official European Commission HR Excellence in Research Award.

With respect to training and education, the report notes that ISGlobal offered 25 graduate programmes and short courses in a diverse range of disciplines to students from all over the world with a variety of different educational backgrounds.

In 2015, the international community defined a radically new agenda—the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—and ISGlobal’s Policy & Global Development department has already started working to further the achievement of these targets. With the SDGs, the proposal for the new global health agenda is to continue working on and improving the advances made in the treatment of infectious diseases such as malaria. However, it also sets new targets, including reductions in the mortality and morbidity associated with non-communicable diseases and, as its most ambitious objective, achieving universal health coverage.

Finally, the report describes ISGlobal’s joint activities with strategic partners in Mozambique, Bolivia and Morocco, which combined important research with efforts to improve human capacities, technical resources and infrastructure on the local level.

ISGlobal (now known as ISGlobal Campus Clínic) did not complete its merger with CREAL (now known as ISGlobal Campus MAR) until this year and, consequently, the 2015 report only covers the activities of the former.

We invite you to read the report to learn more about the work of ISGlobal’s various departments and initiatives, as well as details on the Institute’s financial results and human resources.