The ISGlobal PhD Programme brings doctoral candidates from different health fields, and universities, together to enjoy the added benefits of developing transdisciplinary research at our Institute.
- Dates
- Open - According to each programme
- Location
- ISGlobal, University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University
- Timetable
- Part time / Full time
- Language
- English / Spanish / Catalan
- Length
- 4 years (maximum)
Deciding to work towards a PhD is an important step -- one that requires the candidate to tackle a broad range of issues, enhance their capacity for critical thought, and develop specific knowledge and techniques that are relevant to their chosen field.
ISGlobal, a University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra University-affiliated institute and member of the CERCA research centres of Catalonia, incorporates the teaching and supervision of pre-doctoral researchers as one of its core tasks.
How to become an ISGlobal Pre-doctoral fellow
To be considered an "ISGlobal Pre-doctoral Fellow," students must first reach an agreement to work with an ISGlobal PhD thesis supervisor, and subsequently register in a University PhD programme. Interested students should contact the specific PhD programme for the details of registration.
Students who choose to develop their doctoral work at ISGlobal benefit from our institution's world-class research, long-standing relationships with leading universities in Barcelona, Europe, and around the world, and a programme of activities: seminars, training opportunities, and an annual student-led PhD Symposium, that help students to extract the maximum benefit from their experience.
The ISGlobal PhD Committee ensures that each PhD students receives proper guidance from their supervisor(s) and assesses the general progress of each student's doctoral thesis and their work at ISGlobal, on an annual basis.
Most Pre-doctoral Fellows at ISGlobal are linked to one of the following programmes:
- Doctoral Programme in Medicine and Translational Research: International Health track, University of Barcelona (UB)
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine, Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
All ISGlobal Pre-doctoral Fellows should complete their research project and PhD thesis within a maximum of four years, during which time they will also fulfill any formal training requirements agreed upon with their thesis supervisor and regularly participate in other programmes and events, such as the PhD Symposium.
It is important to thoroughly research and understand the options that each of these programmes provides. In all cases, candidates should visit the individual web pages of each programme for up-to-date details regarding application, eligibility, and deadlines. Once accepted into a programme, ISGlobal Pre-doctoral Fellows are provided with an orientation and a Guidebook that details opportunities and responsibilities within the ISGlobal PhD Programme.
If you have general questions regarding the ISGlobal PhD Programme, please contact us at:
Prioritisation Criteria: AGAUR Joan Oró Grant Applications 2024
As established in the call for AGAUR Joan Oró FI grants for the recruitment of new research staff for the year 2024, we make public the prioritization criteria with the validation by the AGAUR.
Consult the definitive prioritisation list of candidates (PDF) for the Joan Oró Grants for the recruitment of pre-doctoral research staff in training (FI 2025). News item published on the ISGlobal intranet.
About the Programme
The PhD in Medicine and Translational Research is based at the University of Barcelona, Faculty of Medicine. The programme presents numerous lines of clinical and basic investigation involving prestigious scientists from different areas of the University of Barcelona and participating research institutions. For full details of this PhD programme, its training objectives, and approach see: Medicine and Translational Research
In order to be eligible for this programme, candidates must have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS academic credits through accepted accredited programmes. See the Medicine and Translational Research website for complete information on eligibility.
Selection Criteria
In addition to meeting all eligibility criteria, candidates must provide documentation of their acceptance by a PhD supervisor.
Application and Deadlines
Applicants must submit an enrolment application in addition to documentation. For a complete list of the documentation to be submitted, and links and instructions for the online application see the PhD in Medicine and Translational Research.
Applications for the PhD in Medicine and Translational Research are accepted during four periods throughout the year. For an updated calendar of dates for the upcoming year, see the PhD in Medicine and Translational Research.
Programme Calendar
Students in the PhD in Medicine and Translational Research Programme follow a programme calendar that details required activities during each year of their doctoral studies.
About the Programme
The PhD in Biomedicine is based at the Pompeu Fabra University, Department of Experiential and Health Sciences. ISGlobal PhD students develop their research in the areas of epidemiology, environmental health, and related fields. The Department includes research programmes in: Cell and Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine, Evolutionary Biology and Complex Systems, Biomedical Informatics, Genetics and Neurosciences, and Public Health and Education in Health Sciences and is open to students from natural and medical sciences as well as from quantitative sciences such as Mathematics, Statistics or Computer Science. For full details of this PhD programme, its training objectives, and approach, see: Biomedicine
In order to be eligible for this programme, candidates must have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS academic credits through accepted accredited programmes. See the PhD in Biomedicine website for complete information on eligibility.
Selection Criteria
In addition to meeting all eligibility criteria, candidates must provide documentation of their acceptance by a PhD supervisor.
Application and Deadlines
Applicants must submit an online application. For a complete list of the documentation to be submitted, and links and instructions for the online application see the PhD in Biomedicine.
Applications for the PhD in Biomedicine are accepted during four periods throughout the year. For an updated calendar of dates for the upcoming year, see the PhD in Biomedicine.
All ISGlobal Pre-doctoral Fellows must enter the programme with full-funding for a minimum of 3 years (either through grants, fellowships or project funds from the thesis supervisor). Candidates are encouraged to apply for national or international PhD grants or fellowships.
A partial list of PhD grants / fellowships available through Spanish and international organisations or agencies can be found below:
International | |
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) |
Long-term and Cross-disciplinary Fellowships | Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) |
Short Term Fellowship | European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) |
Marie Skodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks | Horizon 2020 |
Doctorado | Fundación Carolina |
National | |
FI - Ajuts destinants a universitats centres de recerca i fundacions hospitalàries per a la contratació de personal investigador novell | Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) |
Ayudas Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud | Instituto de Salud de Carlos III |
Ayudas para la formación de personal investigador en formación | Plan Nacional Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) |
Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD) |
Beques per a estudis de doctorat en universitats espanyoles | Fundación La Caixa |
Doctorats Industrials | Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca |
Access our PhD Guidebook for further information.