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ISGlobal Participates in the XV Conference of Ibero-American Health Ministers

The ministerial declaration includes a commitment to fight against vector-borne diseases


The XV Conference of Ibero-American Health Ministers  that took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, last September 5-6 produced a final declaration that includes an important commitment to promote prevention and control programs for vector-borne diseases such as malaria, Zika, chikungunya or Chagas Disease. ISGlobal, represented by its Director of Global Development Leire Pajin, attended the conference and supported the inclusion of such commitment in the final declaration that will serve as a basis for the work agenda of the upcoming Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government that will take place next October, in the same city.  

“We applaud the ministers’ commitment to the response to vector-borne diseases that are endemic in the region and that represent a high social and economic burden. It is a response that requires political will and a sustained institutional and budgetary effort, as well as scientific bases for adequate and efficient decision-making” explains Leire Pajín. 

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the declaration also underlined the importance of reducing inequities in access to quality healthcare and of preventing and controlling non communicable diseasesAlejandro Gaviria, the Colombian minister for Health and Social Protection, stated that the 20 intentions and commitments in the Declaration “should result in a coordinated collaboration that results in better public policies for Ibero-America.” 

The Conference, organized with support from SEGIB, put a special focus on the main health problems that affect teenagers.  In accordance, ISGlobal participated in an event on sexual and reproductive rights that brought together institutional and private sector actors, academics and civil society with the goal of reducing maternal mortality and unwanted pregnancies among teenagers and guaranteeing an equal access to reproductive and sexual healthcare in the region. “The meeting allowed us to share ISGlobal’s experience in maternal and child health” says Leire Pajín, who underlined the key role of scientific bases and good data for an adequate analysis of the reality and the taking of efficient evidence-based decisions.