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ISGlobal Participates in the 10th International Congress of Higher Education in Havana

The presence in Cuba is consistent with its aim of becoming a major actor in the region


The Policy and Global Development Department of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) participated in the 10th International Congress of Higher Education in Havana, Cuba, from 15 to 19 February. The theme of the conference was “Innovative Universities for Sustainable Human Development”.

The conference was attended by specialists from 13 countries representing various regional organisations. ISGlobal was represented by Leire Pajín, Director of International Development, and Gonzalo Fanjul, Policy Director. Ms Pajín gave a presentation on the links between universities and local development processes, while Mr Fanjul spoke about the role of universities in the post-2015 agenda.

ISGlobal was invited to participate in the conference by the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Institute’s aim in attending the event was to build partnerships with Latin American universities and research centres that share its priorities.

ISGlobal’s presence in Cuba is consistent with its aim of becoming a major actor in the region. The Institute has continued to pursue the lines of work established in 2015 at its seminar on disease outbreaks, which was organised in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). ISGlobal has also made progress on several potential research projects on related subjects. During the trip to Cuba, the ISGlobal delegation met with representatives of various regional institutions. 

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10th International Congress of Higher Education