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Translation and Impact, Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health

ISGlobal Becomes a Strategic Partner of the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination

More than 385 companies have already contributed to the project, which has financed the vaccination of 2,369,535 children


The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGobal) has joined the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination as a strategic partner. The alliance was created in 2008 by "la Caixa" Foundation and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance to save the lives of millions of children in the world's poorest countries.

The Business Alliance for Child Vaccination offers Spanish companies the opportunity to support GAVI in the fight against child mortality in developing countries. The "la Caixa" Foundation, working together with ISGlobal, acts as a channel for donations from companies and guarantees that all contributions are used in their entirety for child vaccination.

More than 385 companies have participated in this life-saving project to date. The contributions of "la Caixa" Foundation's Business Alliance for Child Vaccination, private individuals, and "la Caixa" employees have financed the vaccination of 2,369,535 children.

ISGlobal's long history in the field of maternal and child health, its experience in coordinating the Secretariat of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration and its participation, together with GAVI, in a study evaluating the impact of the introduction of a pneumococcal vaccine in Mozambique, make ISGlobal a strategic ally of the "la Caixa" Foundation in the child vaccination project.

For more information see the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination