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The Scientific Advisory Committee on Ebola Virus Disease (CCAMVE) proposes broadening its action towards emerging epidemics

The committee, in which ISGlobal has greatly participated, delivered the final report on the response to the Ebola epidemic (2014-5015) to the Health Counsellor


 On October 25, the members of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Ebola Virus Disease (CCAMVE), accompanied by Joan Guix, Secretary of Public Health, met with the Health Counsellor of the Catalan Government, Antoni Comín, in order to deliver the final report “The response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa (2014-2015): lessons learnt in our context”, and highlight some of the recommendations.    

The report reviews the general framework of the response, values the (positive and negative) aspects of how it was handled locally, and concludes with a series of recommendations to improve the response to future threats of epidemics by emerging pathogens. One of the main recommendations is to reorient the CCAMVE towards an advisory committee on emerging epidemic threats that would contribute to evidence-based decision making in future public health situations with epidemic potential. “The idea is to establish a committee in ‘times of peace’” explains ISGlobal director Antoni Plasència, “that will contribute to improve the preparedness, strengthen the surveillance and guide the response to future threats of epidemic outbreaks caused by emerging pathogens that are becoming increasingly global”. 

ISGlobal has significantly contributed to the CCAMVE’s activities, through the participation of several members, knowledge management support, and logistics.

The CCAMVE is a multidisciplinary committee that includes experts from different fields including epidemiology, public health, virology, vaccines and communication. It is composed by:  

  • Albert Bosch (Virus Entéricos, Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Àngela Domínguez, Secretaria (Departamento de Salud Pública - Universidad de Barcelona. CIBERESP)
  • Luis Encinas (MSF)
  • Vicky Fumadó (Unidad de Enfermedades Infecciosas e Importadas, Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital St. Joan de Deu, Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Mireia Jané (Subdirección de Vigilància y Respuesta a Emergencies de Salud Pública. ASPCAT) 
  • Josep Maria Jansà (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control)
  • Mikel Martínez (Servicio de Microbiologia Hospital Clínic. Universidad de Barcelona. ISGlobal) 
  • José Muñoz (Servicio de Salud Internacional , Hospital Clínic. Universidad de Barcelona- ISGlobal)
  • Teresa Pi Sunyer (EpiEch Consulting)
  • Antoni Plasència (ISGlobal, Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Gemma Revuelta (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • Antoni Trilla, Presidente (Servicio de Medicina Preventiva y Epidemiologia - Hospital Clínic. Universidad de Barcelona, ISGlobal)

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