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Three ISGlobal Researchers, Jaume Ordi, Jordi Vila and Antoni Trilla, Join the “Reial Acadèmia de Medicina” of Catalunya

The welcome ceremony for the new academy members will take place on May 18 at the Academy’s headquarters

Medicine, Royal Academy

An extraordinary session will take place on May 18th to welcome Jaume Ordi, Jordi Vila and Antoni Trilla, researchers at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), medical doctors at the Hospital Clinic and professors at the University of Barcelona, as new members of the Catalan Royal Academy of Medicine. They will be received by Josep Antoni Bombí Latorre, chair of the academy, and Tomàs Pumarola i Suñé, also an academy member.

“This recognition highlights once again the importance of the synergies between the Hospital Clinic, the University of Barcelona and ISGlobal in responding to health challenges that go beyond our borders,” says ISGlobal’s general director Antoni Plasència, “and from ISGlobal we extend them our warmest congratulations.”

During the welcome ceremony, the new academicians will give a brief lecture on their respective fields of expertise. Jaume Ordi, researcher in the Maternal, Child and Reproductive Healh Programme in ISGlobal and pathologist at the Hospital Clinic, will talk about a valuable tool he and his team have developed over the last years: the minimally invasive autopsy as an approach to epidemiological surveillance in low-income countries.Jordi Vila, director of the Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative at ISGlobal and head of the microbiology service at Hospital Clinic, will give an holistic vision of one of the greatest threats to global health: bacterial resistance to antibiotics.Antoni Trilla, ISGlobal researcher, Head of the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Unit at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Barcelona will deliver a speech on: Vaccines and vaccination in times of pandemic.

Doctors Vila, Ordi and Trilla will join the first section of the Royal Academy, which is divided into six sections (1st basic science; 2nd medicine; 3rd surgery; 4th hygiene and social medicine; 5th pharmacology and therapeutics; 6th forensic medicine, psychiatry and history of medicine).

The Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Catalunya was established in 1770. It is composed of 60 permanent academicians elected by vote, 15 honorary academicians, 120 national academicians by election or award, and a variable number of foreign academicians.