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CREAL presents its 2012-2013 report


Once again we have the pleasure of presenting CREAL’s annual report, for the period 2012-2013. Our institution is approaching the tenth anniversary of its creation, an appropriate moment to show not only our activities during this time, but also how we have developed as a centre and some of the challenges we face.

The highlights of this last period include the centre’s evaluation by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and iCERCA. Another of CREAL’s highlights is its international competitiveness. CREAL researchers are conducting 29 international research projects, 9 of which are led by researchers from the centre (including 6 European projects and 3 from other internacional agencies). It is not a coincidence that members of CREAL lead the organization of conferences and international scientific meetings.

Scientific production is a good reflection of CREAL’s commitment to international leadership. A few months ago the SCIMAGO report placed CREAL among the top centres in Spain (1st and 2nd in normalized impact and excellence, respectively).

Another important milestone is the recognition of CREAL as a university research institute attached to UPF, its knowledge transfer and enrichment activities and the progress in our alliance with the Barcelona Institute for Global Health ISGlobal.

If you are interested in consulting this report, click here.

Josep M Antó, Jordi Sunyer, Manolis Kogevinas