Advancing the Science for Drinking Water Chemical Exposure Assessment and Health Research
- Date
- 15/09/2022 - 16/09/2022
- Hour
- 13.00-18.30 h (day 1) - 9.30-17.30 h (day 2)
- Place
Online / PRBB: Ramon y Cajal Room
(Dr. Aiguader, 88) Barcelona
This workshop aims to catalyze discussion of critical issues in assessing exposures to chemical contaminants in drinking water for epidemiology, and will tackle the existing challenges and opportunities in conducting human exposure and epidemiologic research for both regulated and emerging water contaminants.
The meeting will bring together experts from different disciplines to identify new strategies and recommendations for future research efforts, as well as explore the latest tools, methods, and data available.
It is also an opportunity to consider policy implications and issues around inequities regarding disproportionate exposures and disproportionate data availability and view these issues within the context of a changing climate.
Keynote Presentations
Presentations [PDF]
Challenges in Evaluating Drinking Water Quality in Agricultural Areas
Mary H. Ward, M.S., Ph.D., from the National Cancer Institute.
Environmental justice & the human right to water
Community-engaged research to advance clean drinking water access in California
Lara Cushing, Ph.D., M.P.H., from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Evaluating Drinking-Water Vulnerability to Contamination from Oil and Gas Extraction
Mario Soriano, Jr., from Yale School of the Environment High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University; Nicole Deziel, from Yale School of Public Health; James Saiers, from Yale School of the Environment.
Hunting for Aquatic Bladder Carcinogens
Tom Bond, from the University of Surrey
In vitro Bioassays for the Evaluation of Drinking Water
Beate Escher, Daniel Stalter, Peta Neale et al. From Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany; and the University of Queensland, QAEHS, and Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
Options for Measuring Fluid-Intake in the Daily Life
Guillaume Chevance, from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal).
PFAS as Emerging Unregulated Contaminants
Jane Hoppin, ScD, from the NC State University.
Register-based Studies on Drinking Water Related Health Effects in Sweden
Melle Säve-Söderbergh, from the Swedish Food Agency, associated to Karolinska Insitute.
Water-Related Impacts from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development (UOGD)
Nicole C. Deziel, PhD, from the Yale School of Public Health, Yale School of the Environment, Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science.
More Information and Registration
- Programme
- Online Registration [CLOSED]. Participation is free, but registration is required. Please note the deadline for the in-person registration is 15 August 2022.
Meeting Organisers:
- Cristina Villanueva, PhD, Associate Research Professor, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain
- Nicole C. Deziel, PhD, MHS, Associate Professor, Yale School of Public Health, Connecticut, USA
With the support of “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX 2018-000806-S) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation and State Research Agency.
If you are interested in participating in person or have questions about the workshop, please contact Mar Ferrer (mar.ferrer[at]