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28% of cleaning workers are affected by hand dermatitis


Professional cleaning workers may not be sufficiently protected from cutaneous disease at work. Hand dermatitis was reported by 28% of current cleaning workers, versus 18% among their colleagues who did not perform cleaning work, and was associated with cleaning outdoor areas and schools and the use of hydrochloric acid and dust mop products.

CREAL researchers distributed 4993 questionnaires to employees of 37 Spanish cleaning companies, and used data from 818 respondents who provided information about skin symptoms and cleaning-related exposures. They assessed associations between work activities and the use of cleaning products, and a symptom-based definition of hand dermatitis among current cleaning workers (n = 693) and a comparison population from the same companies (n = 125).

This study has been coordinated by Jan-Paul Zock and has just been published in Contact Dermatitis.

Dermatitis is an important health outcome for workers whose jobs include wet work or put them in contact with irritants or sensitizing agents. For this reason researchers decided to investigate occupational risk factors for hand dermatitis among professional cleaners in Spain. Future research should further investigate the roles of multiple product exposures and personal protective equipment.